Tim Hoffmann

Results 256 comments of Tim Hoffmann

Thanks @gustavi, and congratulations on your first contribution to Matplotlib!

Please provide more info: a full minimal example (the code snippet above does not raise) and the full stack trace. --- Side note: Possibly someting in the backend/event loop. With...

It's ok to go back to 3.5 behavior for this. But we need to consider other parameters as well. For example, 3.5 also keeps `tick_params(... width=10)` under `clear()` whereas 3.6rc...

> > Otherwise, I think we need even better tests to ensure we're doing consistent and right things. > > I'm all for that, but could you clarify what you...

The dev call today we have decided to revert the last change. This will continue the behavior for 3.5 to 3.6. For 3.7 we plan a discussion on what `clear()`...

If we want to add a plot with a grid (of which I'm still not convinced that it's necessary)., that'd need to be clearly separated. E.g. by a vertical line....

I'm still very skeptical whether adding the grid is an improvement. - Plus: You show what the style would look like *if* the grid was activate. - Minus: You dilute...

@AlvaroFurlani can you describe the use case? I can see an argument for named color sequences (similar to what seaborn calls *color palette*, because there you name a more complex...