Tim Davies
Tim Davies
The visual language has the concept of 'stacks' to allow display of multiple properties of an entity, person or relationship. At present, we only have overlays for nationality/jursidiction (?) (using...
The visual language rules allow for horizontal and vertical diagrams. Is it possible to implement a simple switch to choose between these layout options?
The current layout algorithm creates some odd results and issues at present that it would be good to avoid. The two I've noted so far include: * [ ] Text...
I think the 'Clear' button is no longer needed (pressing draw seems to clear the existing drawing out anyway) and I'm wondering if we even need 'Draw'. If #18 is...
If #317 is accepted, then some of the justification for `isComponent` is removed. This issue suggests further revision of `isComponent` to remove it from `personStatement` and `entityStatement` and to consider...
> An issues related to the [draft conceptual model](https://github.com/openownership/data-standard/issues/7) A number of the dates that may be provided in beneficial ownership data will be imprecise. For example, providing only year,...
From alca.ai: > It is quite common for entities to change their names. Consider adding "pastName array[array[string, start date, end date]]". This would help tracking companies, when doing internet search...
I've been exploring how we can work with BODS data as a Linked Data graph. At least at a basic level it is possible to convert BODS JSON -> JSON-LD...
> An issues related to the [draft conceptual model](https://github.com/openownership/data-standard/issues/7) We will need a codelist to represent the different kinds of beneficial ownership and control relationships between an interested party, and...
From alca.ai: > In the list of controls, maybe it is worth adding a new code: “loansThinlyCapitalised”. > > Take an example with a capital of USD5,000, which obtains funding...