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[Bug]: Planner chunk exclusion not working in VIEWs

Open svenklemm opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

What type of bug is this?

Performance issue

What subsystems and features are affected?

Query planner

What happened?

When querying a view on a hypertable constraints on dimensions are not used for plan time chunk exclusion.

TimescaleDB version affected


PostgreSQL version used


What operating system did you use?

Archlinux 2022.07.01 x64

What installation method did you use?


What platform did you run on?

On prem/Self-hosted

Relevant log output and stack trace

explain SELECT * from v2 where time > now() - '168h'::interval;
                                  QUERY PLAN
 HashAggregate  (cost=4.10..4.15 rows=4 width=18)
   Group Key: metrics."time", metrics.device
   ->  Custom Scan (ChunkAppend) on metrics  (cost=0.00..4.07 rows=4 width=18)
         Chunks excluded during startup: 3
         ->  Seq Scan on _hyper_1_4_chunk  (cost=0.00..1.02 rows=1 width=18)
               Filter: ("time" > (now() - '168:00:00'::interval))
(6 rows)

How can we reproduce the bug?

create table metrics(time timestamptz,device text, value float);
SELECT create_hypertable('metrics','time');
INSERT INTO metrics select '2000-01-01','a',0.5;
INSERT INTO metrics select '2001-01-01','b',0.5;
INSERT INTO metrics select '2002-01-01','b',0.5;
INSERT INTO metrics select now(),'b',0.5;
CREATE VIEW v2 AS SELECT time, device, avg(value) from metrics group by 1,2;
EXPLAIN SELECT * from v2 where time > now() - '168h'::interval;

svenklemm avatar Jul 18 '22 18:07 svenklemm