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Dockerized WAL-E with an HTTP API

WAL-E Docker image

This docker image can be used as a backup "sidecar" container to a TimescaleDB (or PostgreSQL) container. It can make base backups using WAL-E as well as continuous WAL archiving. WAL-E will not backup configuration files so they need to be handled separately.


The docker image contains WAL-E and a small web service that exposes WAL-E's wal-push, wal-fetch, or backup-push commands via HTTP requests. This allows a TimescaleDB container to trigger backups in the sidecar via HTTP. Triggering happens via GET requests, allowing use of, e.g., wget. An example request is:

wget http://localhost/wal-push/<WAL_SEGMENT_NAME> -O -

to trigger a WAL push.

WAL-E can be invoked directly by running the image as so:

docker run -it --rm timescale/timescaledb-wale wal-e <command>

This can be used to do base backups and restore, for instance, using a Kubernetes init container.


To do backups, the TimescaleDB and the WAL-E containers need to share PGDATA and PGWAL disk volumes so that the WAL-E sidecar container can access the database files it needs to backup.

TimescaleDB / PostgreSQL configuration

To enable continuous archiving for the PostgreSQL WAL, the following modifications are necessary in postgresql.conf:

archive_command='wget <wale_container_hostname>/wal-push/%f -O -'

Alternatively, these options can be set on the command line. For instance, the TimescaleDB docker image can be run as follows:

docker run -d 5432:5432 timescale/timescaledb postgres \
-carchive_command='wget <wale_container_hostname>/wal-push/%f -O -' \
-cwal_level=replica \

Sidecar configuration

The WAL-E container is configured using the standard WAL-E environment variables. In addition, the HTTP frontend expects the following environment variables:

Variable Use Default
PGDATA the TimescaleDB/PostgreSQL data dir /var/lib/postgresql/data
PGWAL the TimescaleDB/PostgreSQL WAL log dir (defaults to PostgreSQL 10+ naming) ${PGDATA}/pg_wal