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WAL Volume Usage Leaks

Open con5cience opened this issue 1 year ago • 9 comments

Describe the bug WAL volume usage starts to leak after some arbitrary block of time, despite having configured pgbackrest properly, still getting successful backups to S3, and observing WAL pruning work properly for at least 12 hours prior.

To Reproduce 🤷

Expected behavior WAL archival works consistently.


  • What is in your values.yaml

We manage infrastructure with Pulumi, which enables us to manage Helm charts with TypeScript, so this will look like a basic Javascript object instead of raw YAML.

                    name: `timescale-${args.name}`,
                    patroni: {
                        bootstrap: {
                            dcs: {
                                postgresql: {
                                    parameters: {
                                        'archive_command': "/etc/timescaledb/scripts/pgbackrest_archive.sh %p",
                                        'archive_mode': 'on',
                                        'archive_timeout': '180',
                                        'autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor': '0.02',
                                        'autovacuum_naptime': '5s',
                                        'autovacuum_max_workers': '10',
                                        'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit': '500',
                                        'autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor': '0.05',
                                        'log_autovacuum_min_duration': '1min',
                                        'hot_standby': 'on',
                                        'log_checkpoints': 'on',
                                        'log_connections': 'on',
                                        'log_disconnections': 'on',
                                        'log_line_prefix': "%t [%p]: [%c-%l] %u@%d,app=%a [%e] ",
                                        'log_lock_waits': 'on',
                                        'log_min_duration_statement': '1s',
                                        'log_statement': 'ddl',
                                        'max_wal_size': '4GB',
                                        'max_connections': '100',
                                        'max_prepared_transactions': '150',
                                        'shared_preload_libraries': 'timescaledb,pg_stat_statements',
                                        'ssl': 'on',
                                        'ssl_cert_file': '/etc/certificate/tls.crt',
                                        'ssl_key_file': '/etc/certificate/tls.key',
                                        'tcp_keepalives_idle': '900',
                                        'tcp_keepalives_interval': '100',
                                        'temp_file_limit': '1GB',
                                        'timescaledb.passfile': '../.pgpass',
                                        'unix_socket_directories': '/var/run/postgresql',
                                        'unix_socket_permissions': '0750',
                                        'wal_level': 'hot_standby',
                                        'wal_log_hints': 'on',
                                        'use_pg_rewind': 'true',
                                        'use_slots': 'true'
                    backup: {
                        enabled: true,
                        pgBackRest: {
                            'archive-async': 'y',
                            'archive-timeout': '180',
                            'compress-type': 'lz4',
                            'process-max': '4',
                            'start-fast': 'y',
                            'repo1-retention-diff': '2',
                            'repo1-retention-full': '2',
                            'repo1-type': 's3',
                            'repo1-cipher-type': 'none',
                            'repo1-s3-endpoint': 's3.amazonaws.com'
                        env: [
                                name: 'PGBACKREST_REPO1_S3_BUCKET',
                                value: redacted
                                name: 'PGBACKREST_REPO1_S3_REGION',
                                value: redacted
                                name: 'PGBACKREST_REPO1_S3_KEY',
                                value: redacted
                                name: 'PGBACKREST_REPO1_S3_KEY_SECRET',
                                value: redacted
                        jobs: [
                                name: 'full',
                                type: 'full',
                                // nightly @ 12am
                                schedule: '0 0 * * *'
                                name: 'incremental',
                                type: 'incr',
                                // every 6 hours except midnight
                                schedule: '0 6,12,18 * * *'
                    persistentVolumes: {
                        data: {
                            size: args.storageSize ? `${args.storageSize}Gi` : `20Gi`
                        wal: {
                            size: args.storageSizeWAL ? `${args.storageSizeWAL}Gi` : '500Gi'
                    pgBouncer: {
                        enabled: true,
                        config: {
                            server_reset_query: 'DISCARD ALL',
                            max_client_conn: '500',
                            default_pool_size: '12',
                            pool_mode: 'transaction',
                            // https://github.com/timescale/timescaledb-kubernetes/pull/391
                            auth_file: '/etc/pgbouncer/userlist/userlist.txt/userlist.txt'
                        pg_hba: [
                            'local     all postgres                   peer',
                            'host      all postgres,standby password',
                            'host      all postgres,standby ::0/0     password',
                            'hostssl   all all     password',
                            'hostssl   all all              ::0/0     password',
                            'hostnossl all all     password',
                            'hostnossl all all              ::0/0     password'
                        userListSecretName: `timescale-${args.name}-credentials`
                    prometheus: {
                        enabled: true
                    resources: args.resources ?? undefined,
                     * Secret must contain env vars that configure Patroni per:
                     * https://patroni.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ENVIRONMENT.html
                    secrets: {
                        credentialsSecretName: `timescale-${args.name}-credentials`,
                        certificateSecretName: certificate.metadata.apply(cert => cert.name),
                    podAnnotations: {
                        'prometheus.io/scrape': 'true',
                        'prometheus.io/port': '9187'
                    // postgres version, this will not be reflected in the version of the image being run
                    // https://github.com/timescale/timescaledb-kubernetes/blob/a12dd47a2339ce1bbacde728f3eeb94309ce0e6f/charts/timescaledb-single/values.schema.yaml#L533
                    version: args.pgversion ?? 13
                transformations: [
                    (manifest: any) => {
                        // jobs created by this helm chart will hang forever if the istio sidecar is injected
                        if (manifest.kind === 'Job') {
                            manifest.spec.template.metadata.annotations = { 'sidecar.istio.io/inject': 'false' }
                        if (manifest.kind === 'CronJob') {
                            manifest.spec.jobTemplate.spec.template.metadata.annotations = { 'sidecar.istio.io/inject': 'false' }
  • What version of the Chart are you using? 0.13.1

  • What is your Kubernetes Environment (for exampe: GKE, EKS, minikube, microk8s) EKS 1.21.


NAME                                                                READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE     ROLE
pod/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0                              5/5     Running     0          23m     master
pod/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-1                              5/5     Running     0          34m     replica
pod/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-2                              5/5     Running     0          35m     replica
pod/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-full-27645120-qxt5b            0/1     Completed   0          43h     
pod/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-full-27646560-w4xfp            0/1     Completed   0          19h     
pod/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-incremental-27646920-8fhjh     0/1     Completed   0          13h     
pod/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-incremental-27647280-6pvgz     0/1     Completed   0          7h48m   
pod/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-incremental-27647640-gpq8v     0/1     Completed   0          108m    

NAME                                              TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                               PORT(S)                                                         AGE     ROLE
service/timescale-redacted                      LoadBalancer    redacted.elb.amazonaws.com   6432:32495/TCP,5432:32670/TCP                                   5d22h   master
service/timescale-redacted-config               ClusterIP      None             <none>                                                                    8008/TCP                                                        5d22h   
service/timescale-redacted-prometheus           ClusterIP    <none>                                                                    9187/TCP                                                        5d22h   
service/timescale-redacted-replica              ClusterIP   <none>                                                                    6432/TCP,5432/TCP                                               5d22h   replica
service/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-backup   ClusterIP   <none>                                                                    8081/TCP                                                        5d22h   

NAME                                                READY   AGE     ROLE
statefulset.apps/timescale-redacted-timescaledb   3/3     5d22h   

NAME                                                          SCHEDULE          SUSPEND   ACTIVE   LAST SCHEDULE   AGE     ROLE
cronjob.batch/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-full           0 0 * * *         False     0        19h             5d22h   
cronjob.batch/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-incremental    0 6,12,18 * * *   False     0        108m            5d22h   

NAME                                                               COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE     ROLE
job.batch/timescale-redacted-patroni-ua                          1/1           2s         4h4m    
job.batch/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-full-27643680           1/1           9s         2d19h   
job.batch/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-full-27645120           1/1           4s         43h     
job.batch/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-full-27646560           1/1           6s         19h     
job.batch/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-increment-manual-8mc    1/1           3s         4d22h   
job.batch/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-incremental-27639720    0/1           5d13h      5d13h   
job.batch/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-incremental-27646920    1/1           3s         13h     
job.batch/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-incremental-27647280    1/1           4s         7h48m   
job.batch/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-incremental-27647640    1/1           4s         108m    

NAME                                                  TYPE                                  DATA   AGE     ROLE
secret/timescale-redacted-certificate               kubernetes.io/tls                     2      5d22h   
secret/timescale-redacted-credentials               Opaque                                4      4d2h    
secret/timescale-redacted-pgbackrest                Opaque                                7      5d22h   
secret/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-token-x26s6   kubernetes.io/service-account-token   3      5d22h   

NAME                                                    DATA   AGE     ROLE
configmap/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-patroni      1      4d22h   
configmap/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-pgbackrest   1      4d22h   
configmap/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-pgbouncer    2      5d22h   
configmap/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-scripts      8      5d22h   

NAME                                                ENDPOINTS                                                        AGE     ROLE
endpoints/timescale-redacted            ,                                5d22h   
endpoints/timescale-redacted-config     ,,               5d22h   
endpoints/timescale-redacted-prometheus ,,               5d22h   
endpoints/timescale-redacted-replica    ,,  5d22h   replica
endpoints/timescale-redacted-timescaledb-backup                                                 5d22h   

NAME                                                                                       STATUS    VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE    ROLE
persistentvolumeclaim/storage-volume-timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0                    Bound     pvc-979aeaef-637c-4bfe-b264-a72408253954   1000Gi     RWO            gp2            52d    
persistentvolumeclaim/storage-volume-timescale-redacted-timescaledb-1                    Bound     pvc-19bd29c4-55c7-419c-9c31-e95d83598feb   1000Gi     RWO            gp2            52d    
persistentvolumeclaim/storage-volume-timescale-redacted-timescaledb-2                    Bound     pvc-76dc3def-d34b-417f-9e04-75b66cdc13c8   1000Gi     RWO            gp2            52d    
persistentvolumeclaim/wal-volume-timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0                        Bound     pvc-1f148b09-75db-43d0-8dd7-ccd1dc8e83b1   1000Gi     RWO            gp2            52d    
persistentvolumeclaim/wal-volume-timescale-redacted-timescaledb-1                        Bound     pvc-a970b81a-54a1-44ef-92bd-256a2ef1e89e   1000Gi     RWO            gp2            52d    
persistentvolumeclaim/wal-volume-timescale-redacted-timescaledb-2                        Bound     pvc-6a9d9f85-ad17-4e22-8170-7bc9d25f59ae   1000Gi     RWO            gp2            52d    


timescale-redacted-timescaledb-1 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:55:47 UTC [4547]: [62e046c3.11c3-2] @,app= [XX000] FATAL:  could not receive data from WAL stream: ERROR:  requested WAL segment 0000001F00000248000000A1 has already been removed
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:55:52 UTC [6251]: [62e046c8.186b-3] standby@[unknown],app=timescale-redacted-timescaledb-1 [58P01] ERROR:  requested WAL segment 0000001F00000248000000A1 has already been removed
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:55:52 UTC [6250]: [62e046c8.186a-3] standby@[unknown],app=timescale-redacted-timescaledb-2 [58P01] ERROR:  requested WAL segment 00000014000002150000005F has already been removed
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-2 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:55:52 UTC [4722]: [62e046c7.1272-1] @,app= [00000] LOG:  started streaming WAL from primary at 215/5F000000 on timeline 20
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-2 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:55:52 UTC [4722]: [62e046c7.1272-2] @,app= [XX000] FATAL:  could not receive data from WAL stream: ERROR:  requested WAL segment 00000014000002150000005F has already been removed
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-1 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:55:52 UTC [4554]: [62e046c7.11ca-1] @,app= [00000] LOG:  started streaming WAL from primary at 248/A1000000 on timeline 31
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-1 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:55:52 UTC [4554]: [62e046c7.11ca-2] @,app= [XX000] FATAL:  could not receive data from WAL stream: ERROR:  requested WAL segment 0000001F00000248000000A1 has already been removed
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:55:57 UTC [6261]: [62e046cd.1875-3] standby@[unknown],app=timescale-redacted-timescaledb-2 [58P01] ERROR:  requested WAL segment 00000014000002150000005F has already been removed
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-2 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:55:57 UTC [4737]: [62e046cc.1281-1] @,app= [00000] LOG:  started streaming WAL from primary at 215/5F000000 on timeline 20
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-2 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:55:57 UTC [4737]: [62e046cc.1281-2] @,app= [XX000] FATAL:  could not receive data from WAL stream: ERROR:  requested WAL segment 00000014000002150000005F has already been removed
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:55:57 UTC [6262]: [62e046cd.1876-3] standby@[unknown],app=timescale-redacted-timescaledb-1 [58P01] ERROR:  requested WAL segment 0000001F00000248000000A1 has already been removed
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-1 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:55:57 UTC [4562]: [62e046cc.11d2-1] @,app= [00000] LOG:  started streaming WAL from primary at 248/A1000000 on timeline 31
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-1 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:55:57 UTC [4562]: [62e046cc.11d2-2] @,app= [XX000] FATAL:  could not receive data from WAL stream: ERROR:  requested WAL segment 0000001F00000248000000A1 has already been removed
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:56:02 UTC [6280]: [62e046d2.1888-3] standby@[unknown],app=timescale-redacted-timescaledb-2 [58P01] ERROR:  requested WAL segment 00000014000002150000005F has already been removed
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:56:02 UTC [6281]: [62e046d2.1889-3] standby@[unknown],app=timescale-redacted-timescaledb-1 [58P01] ERROR:  requested WAL segment 0000001F00000248000000A1 has already been removed
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-2 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:56:02 UTC [4744]: [62e046d1.1288-1] @,app= [00000] LOG:  started streaming WAL from primary at 215/5F000000 on timeline 20
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-2 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:56:02 UTC [4744]: [62e046d1.1288-2] @,app= [XX000] FATAL:  could not receive data from WAL stream: ERROR:  requested WAL segment 00000014000002150000005F has already been removed
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-1 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:56:02 UTC [4569]: [62e046d1.11d9-1] @,app= [00000] LOG:  started streaming WAL from primary at 248/A1000000 on timeline 31
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-1 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:56:02 UTC [4569]: [62e046d1.11d9-2] @,app= [XX000] FATAL:  could not receive data from WAL stream: ERROR:  requested WAL segment 0000001F00000248000000A1 has already been removed
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:56:07 UTC [6287]: [62e046d7.188f-3] standby@[unknown],app=timescale-redacted-timescaledb-2 [58P01] ERROR:  requested WAL segment 00000014000002150000005F has already been removed
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-2 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:56:07 UTC [4752]: [62e046d6.1290-1] @,app= [00000] LOG:  started streaming WAL from primary at 215/5F000000 on timeline 20
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-2 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:56:07 UTC [4752]: [62e046d6.1290-2] @,app= [XX000] FATAL:  could not receive data from WAL stream: ERROR:  requested WAL segment 00000014000002150000005F has already been removed
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:56:07 UTC [6288]: [62e046d7.1890-3] standby@[unknown],app=timescale-redacted-timescaledb-1 [58P01] ERROR:  requested WAL segment 0000001F00000248000000A1 has already been removed
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-1 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:56:07 UTC [4577]: [62e046d7.11e1-1] @,app= [00000] LOG:  started streaming WAL from primary at 248/A1000000 on timeline 31
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-1 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:56:07 UTC [4577]: [62e046d7.11e1-2] @,app= [XX000] FATAL:  could not receive data from WAL stream: ERROR:  requested WAL segment 0000001F00000248000000A1 has already been removed
timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0 timescaledb 2022-07-26 19:56:11 UTC [3529]: [62e04249.dc9-6] @,app= [00000] LOG:  checkpoint complete: wrote 17602 buffers (3.4%); 1 WAL file(s) added, 0 removed, 0 recycled; write=269.841 s, sync=0.030 s, total=270.065 s; sync files=100, longest=0.004 s, average=0.001 s; distance=199405 kB, estimate=637217 kB

These WAL segments are not on any of the disks of any of the cluster members.

Additional context

postgres@timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0:~$ patronictl list
| Member                             | Host        | Role    | State   | TL | Lag in MB |
+ Cluster: timescale-redacted (uninitialized) ---+---------+---------+----+-----------+
| timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0 | | Replica | running | 51 |         0 |
| timescale-redacted-timescaledb-1 | | Replica | running | 30 |         0 |
| timescale-redacted-timescaledb-2 | | Replica | running | 19 |         0 |
postgres@timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0:~$ patronictl switchover --candidate timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0
Error: This cluster has no master
postgres@timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0:~$ patronictl failover --candidate timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0
Current cluster topology
| Member                             | Host        | Role    | State   | TL | Lag in MB |
+ Cluster: timescale-redacted (uninitialized) ---+---------+---------+----+-----------+
| timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0 | | Replica | running | 51 |         0 |
| timescale-redacted-timescaledb-1 | | Replica | running | 30 |         0 |
| timescale-redacted-timescaledb-2 | | Replica | running | 19 |         0 |
Are you sure you want to failover cluster timescale-redacted? [y/N]: y
Failover failed, details: 503, Failover failed
postgres@timescale-redacted-timescaledb-0:~$ curl http://localhost:8008
{"state": "running", "postmaster_start_time": "2022-07-26 20:08:44.132321+00:00", "role": "master", "server_version": 130007, "xlog": {"location": 4716794140944}, "timeline": 51, "dcs_last_seen": 1658866215, "database_system_identifier": "7105149903557316642", "patroni": {"version": "2.1.3", "scope": "timescale-redacted"}}
postgres=# select * from pg_replication_origin_status;
 local_id | external_id | remote_lsn | local_lsn 
(0 rows)

postgres=# select * from pg_replication_slots;
 slot_name | plugin | slot_type | datoid | database | temporary | active | active_pid | xmin | catalog_xmin | restart_lsn | confirmed_flush_lsn | wal_status | safe_wal_size 
(0 rows)

Other things that have been tried:

  • Restarting the StatefulSet.
  • Reloading configs and restarting the cluster in patronictl.
  • Scaling the StatefulSet down to 1 member, then restarting it both via Kube and Patroni.
  • Manually forcing a checkpoint run in psql.
  • Blowing it all up and rebuilding it.

The state of the cluster in Patroni and the missing WAL segments are all I have to go on at this point. The cluster otherwise operates normally, backup data shows up in S3 as expected, the WAL data just continues to leak on disk until it fills to capacity and the cluster dies.

Right after I create this issue I'll be enabling wal_compression and setting wal_keep_size to see if that helps with the missing segments.

con5cience avatar Jul 26 '22 20:07 con5cience

Also odd is that it's the same two WAL segment IDs that go missing every incarnation of the cluster.

con5cience avatar Jul 26 '22 21:07 con5cience

Adding compression to the mix has dramatically slowed the rate of leakage, but it's definitely still leaking.

con5cience avatar Jul 27 '22 16:07 con5cience

Hmm, strange. Does the cluster ever show as having a master?

What is is recovery_command set to on the standbys?

jamessewell avatar Aug 10 '22 09:08 jamessewell

Hmm, strange. Does the cluster ever show as having a master?

Depends on how you ask. Kubernetes will show the labels of one of the pods in the cluster as role=master, but patronictl always says everything is a Replica.

What is is recovery_command set to on the standbys?

Do you mean restore_command? It's the default: /etc/timescaledb/scripts/pgbackrest_archive_get.sh %f "%p", as per https://github.com/timescale/helm-charts/blob/83897565445f8f6e27fd847c6d52e794a6b1f553/charts/timescaledb-single/values.yaml#L239

con5cience avatar Aug 10 '22 15:08 con5cience

Worth noting that this is how it is right after I stand it up, too, not even inserting data.

con5cience avatar Aug 10 '22 18:08 con5cience

Next steps for us are to implement the suggested values for a high throughput cluster and try to sidestep the replication issue entirely:


con5cience avatar Aug 11 '22 15:08 con5cience

I've been banging my head against the wall (no pun intended) too because of this. Glad to see it wasn't just me. Twice my experimental installations have crashed because the WAL volume filled up.

agronholm avatar Sep 02 '22 08:09 agronholm

Any workaround/ fix for this issue?

cobify avatar Nov 09 '22 11:11 cobify

We hit the same error, but were able to fix it with re-initialize the failing replica with the following procedure =>

The cluster topology with the failing replica:

postgres@timescaledb-2:~$ patronictl -c /etc/timescaledb/patroni.yaml topology
| Member          | Host          | Role         | State   | TL | Lag in MB |
+ Cluster: osp-staging-timescaledb (7184453855821848609) --+----+-----------+
| timescaledb-0   | | Leader       | running | 86 |           |
| + timescaledb-1 | | Sync Standby | running | 86 |         0 |
| + timescaledb-2 | | Replica      | running | 82 |    104795 |

Running patroni re-init for the failing replica member:

postgres@timescaledb-2:~$ patronictl -c /etc/timescaledb/patroni.yaml reinit osp-staging-timescaledb
| Member        | Host          | Role         | State   | TL | Lag in MB |
+ Cluster: osp-staging-timescaledb (7184453855821848609) +----+-----------+
| timescaledb-0 | | Leader       | running | 86 |           |
| timescaledb-1 | | Sync Standby | running | 86 |         0 |
| timescaledb-2 | | Replica      | running | 82 |    104795 |
Which member do you want to reinitialize [timescaledb-0, timescaledb-1, timescaledb-2]? []: timescaledb-2
Are you sure you want to reinitialize members timescaledb-2? [y/N]: y
Success: reinitialize for member timescaledb-2
postgres@timescaledb-2:~$ ps ax | grep postgres
  855 ?        S      0:21 pg_basebackup --pgdata=/var/lib/postgresql/data -X stream --dbname=dbname=postgres user=standby host= port=5432 --waldir=/var/lib/postgresql/wal/pg_wal
  856 ?        S      0:00 pg_basebackup --pgdata=/var/lib/postgresql/data -X stream --dbname=dbname=postgres user=standby host= port=5432 --waldir=/var/lib/postgresql/wal/pg_wal
postgres@timescaledb-2:~$ patronictl -c /etc/timescaledb/patroni.yaml topology
| Member          | Host          | Role         | State            | TL | Lag in MB |
+ Cluster: osp-staging-timescaledb (7184453855821848609) -----------+----+-----------+
| timescaledb-0   | | Leader       | running          | 86 |           |
| + timescaledb-1 | | Sync Standby | running          | 86 |         0 |
| + timescaledb-2 | | Replica      | creating replica |    |   unknown |

After some time re-init has been done:

postgres@timescaledb-2:~$ patronictl -c /etc/timescaledb/patroni.yaml topology
| Member          | Host          | Role         | State   | TL | Lag in MB |
+ Cluster: osp-staging-timescaledb (7184453855821848609) --+----+-----------+
| timescaledb-0   | | Leader       | running | 86 |           |
| + timescaledb-1 | | Sync Standby | running | 86 |         0 |
| + timescaledb-2 | | Replica      | running | 86 |         0 |
postgres@timescaledb-2:~$ ps ax | grep postgres
 1344 ?        S      0:00 postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/data --config-file=/var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf --listen_addresses= --port=5432 --cluster_name=osp-staging-timescaledb --wal_level=replica --hot_standby=on --max_connections=100 --max_wal_senders=10 --max_prepared_transactions=150 --max_locks_per_transaction=64 --track_commit_timestamp=off --max_replication_slots=10 --max_worker_processes=8 --wal_log_hints=on
 1346 ?        Ss     0:00 postgres: osp-staging-timescaledb: startup recovering 00000056000001D500000047
 1353 ?        Ss     0:00 postgres: osp-staging-timescaledb: checkpointer 
 1354 ?        Ss     0:00 postgres: osp-staging-timescaledb: background writer 
 1356 ?        Ss     0:00 postgres: osp-staging-timescaledb: stats collector 
 1358 ?        Ss     0:00 postgres: osp-staging-timescaledb: walreceiver streaming 1D5/47000148
 1365 ?        Ss     0:00 postgres: osp-staging-timescaledb: postgres postgres [local] idle
 1374 ?        Ss     0:00 postgres: osp-staging-timescaledb: postgres postgres [local] idle
 1375 ?        Ss     0:05 postgres: osp-staging-timescaledb: postgres postgres [local] idle
 1383 ?        Ss     0:03 postgres: osp-staging-timescaledb: datadog postgres idle

And the error FATAL: could not receive data from WAL stream: ERROR: requested WAL segment xxxxxxxx has already been removed has gone.

Patroni docs:


pixelfields avatar May 23 '23 18:05 pixelfields