
Results 462 comments of timelyportfolio

another example with `Lahman` salary data. ``` library(Lahman) library(dplyr) library(tibble) library(sparkline) library(formattable) library(htmltools) data(Salaries) data(TeamsFranchises) ####################################### # Average salaries by teams, over years ####################################### # Some franchises are multiply named,...

That is definitely doable, but I struggle with how @pfuhlert data might look, since a sparkline generally requires multiple data.points whereas a table/`data.frame` represents a single tuple. A use case...

For instance with a `vector`, we could do ``` r formattable( 1:10, formatter=function(x) sparkline(x,type="box") ) ``` but that isn't helpful, since we could just as easily ``` sparkline(1:10,type="box") ```

Mangling the `sparkline` example a little bit, maybe this is something like what you want. `````` --- title: "jquery Sparkline htmlwidget in formattable" author: "Kent Russell" date: "June 10, 2015"...

Not sure how @renkun-ken feels about adding `sparkline` integration to `formattable` proper, but I thought I could just continue this discussion into a clean interface for `sparklines` inclusion. Here is...

@dan-reznik This [example](https://gist.github.com/timelyportfolio/098a1bf77caf2fd0267e3116f128ad13) should work again now. I had to modify last week for plotly dependencies. Also if static is ok you might like @tim-salabim [`leafpop`](https://github.com/r-spatial/leafpop).

I might be able to work on this tomorrow. @bhaskarvk did you make any progress?

Sorry for the delay, I got really tangled up with projects and family stuff. @ndimhypervol, is the objective to remove all drawn shapes from `Leaflet.draw`? Or, would you like to...

If I understand correctly after re-reading the intent is to programatically from the R side replicate what the button does. I will wait for clarification before I head down a...

Ok, here is my start. I will explain in comments in the code. ```r library(leaflet) library(leaflet.extras) library(mapview) # for easier base map lf = mapview()@map %>% addDrawToolbar() # this will...