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Graphql queries
Inspired by the revelation that some of tesla's API is behind graphql in https://github.com/timdorr/tesla-api/issues/539#issuecomment-1133807492 I went hunting for some other graphql queries.
I found:
"query": "\n query getChargingVehicles {\n me {\n charging {\n vehicles {\n vin\n carType\n deliveryDate\n imageUrl\n }\n }\n }\n}\n ",
"operationName": "getChargingVehicles"
"query": "\n query getPendingBalances {\n me {\n charging {\n balances {\n list {\n amount\n countryCode\n currencyCode\n sessionFeeIds\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n ",
"operationName": "getPendingBalances"
"query": "\n query GetInstrumentBySource($paymentSource: PaymentGatewayPaymentSourceEnum!, $countryCode: String, $currencyCode: String) {\n me {\n payment {\n getInstrumentBySource(\n paymentSource: $paymentSource\n countryCode: $countryCode\n currencyCode: $currencyCode\n ) {\n expiryMonth\n expiryYear\n lastFourDigits\n paymentChannels\n paymentInstrumentType\n accountType\n }\n }\n }\n}\n ",
"variables": {
"paymentSource": "SUPERCHARGE",
"countryCode": "AU",
"currencyCode": "AUD"
"operationName": "GetInstrumentBySource"
And the following that was mentioned in https://github.com/timdorr/tesla-api/issues/539#issuecomment-1133807492
"query": "\n query getChargingHistoryV2($pageNumber: Int!, $sortBy: String, $sortOrder: SortByEnum) {\n me {\n charging {\n historyV2(pageNumber: $pageNumber, sortBy: $sortBy, sortOrder: $sortOrder) {\n data {\n ...SparkHistoryItemFragment\n }\n totalResults\n hasMoreData\n pageNumber\n }\n }\n }\n}\n \n fragment SparkHistoryItemFragment on SparkHistoryItem {\n countryCode\n programType\n billingType\n vin\n isMsp\n credit {\n distance\n distanceUnit\n }\n chargingPackage {\n distance\n distanceUnit\n energyApplied\n }\n invoices {\n fileName\n contentId\n invoiceType\n }\n chargeSessionId\n siteLocationName\n chargeStartDateTime\n chargeStopDateTime\n unlatchDateTime\n fees {\n ...SparkHistoryFeeFragment\n }\n vehicleMakeType\n sessionId\n surveyCompleted\n surveyType\n postId\n cabinetId\n din\n}\n \n fragment SparkHistoryFeeFragment on SparkHistoryFee {\n sessionFeeId\n feeType\n payorUid\n amountDue\n currencyCode\n pricingType\n usageBase\n usageTier1\n usageTier2\n usageTier3\n usageTier4\n rateBase\n rateTier1\n rateTier2\n rateTier3\n rateTier4\n totalTier1\n totalTier2\n totalTier3\n totalTier4\n uom\n isPaid\n uid\n totalBase\n totalDue\n netDue\n status\n}\n ",
"variables": {
"sortBy": "start_datetime",
"sortOrder": "DESC",
"pageNumber": 1
"operationName": "getChargingHistoryV2"
Currently we don't have a reference to any graphql calls in the https://tesla-api.timdorr.com/ site. Does anyone have a favourite way they've seen graphql API's documented; and have a suggestion how they'd appear on the api docs site?
This is a recently-added API, so building docs for it is a new thing. I will likely treat each operation name like an endpoint on the JSON side.
A good example to follow might be these Rivian API docs (which I plan to document as well when I get my R1T in the next month): https://rivian-api.kaedenb.org/app/vehicle-info
Just my 2 cents: but I don't think this repo should delve into documenting Tesla account related things.
Products and services, like vehicles, solar, battery packs, home/destination charging: cool, but imo publicly demonstrating access to things like billing address and other account level details: not so cool.
Of course this just pulls tighter on the need for Tesla to create an official API program.