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Nagios plugin to check docker containers

Results 27 check_docker issues
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When using Podman the ckecks fail: root@host:~# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/ --cpu 80:90 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/", line 986, in main [x.result() for x in futures.as_completed(threads)] File "/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/", line 986,...

There are two flags for compressing the amount of ok messages and disabling performance data. However, currently if you provide no_ok you automatically set no_performance as well: ``` global no_performance...

After updating from Debian buster(10) to bullseye(11) I am getting KeyError: 'total_cache'. installed Docker : 5:20.10.10~3-0~debian-buster installed check_docker: 2.2.2 Exception: "check_docker", line 541, in check_memory adjusted_usage = inspection['memory_stats']['usage'] - inspection['memory_stats']['stats']['total_cache']...

Docker supports either CGroups v1 or v2 and while running under v2 the memory stat details change slightly. To account for FS cache we need to subtract out `memory_stats.stats.inactive_file` instead...

When checking the image-version on a raspberry pi it does not work: root@RASPI2 ~ $ docker pull pihole/pihole Using default tag: latest latest: Pulling from pihole/pihole Digest: sha256:abdddfb266ddd8e0591f97203ad11fd8dc33f2542187223f20ff18862b76bfbb Status: Image...

check_swarm status checking is implemented by requesting http:/swarm URL, whereas this seems to works only on manager nodes: $> curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http:/swarm {"message":"This node is not a swarm manager....

Hi, I successfully installed check_docker via curl, however I get the following error after using this command ```check_docker --connection vm_ip:4996 --containers gateway-develop --status running```. I can SSH to this machine... ``` File "/usr/local/ncpa/plugins/", line 12, in from collections import deque, namedtuple, UserDict, defaultdict ImportError: cannot import name UserDict ``` This is after installing the collection. Still gets the error

Hi, I have some images that are located at Seems your script can't handle that format... correct? Any idea on how to fix this or add this functionality? Thx,...

Hi, I use, but I think the CPU information about current CPU usage by a container is not accurate, there is a difference between the reporting value by