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[ITSC-2023] HRFuser: A Multi-resolution Sensor Fusion Architecture for 2D Object Detection
HRFuser: A Multi-resolution Sensor Fusion Architecture for 2D Object Detection
by Tim Broedermann, Christos Sakaridis, Dengxin Dai, and Luc Van Gool
This repository contains the official code for the ITSC 2023 paper HRFuser: A Multi-resolution Sensor Fusion Architecture for 2D Object Detection. HRFuser is a multi-resolution sensor fusion architecture that scales straightforwardly to an arbitrary number of input modalities. The design of HRFuser is based on state-of-the-art high-resolution networks for image-only dense prediction and incorporates a novel multi-window cross-attention block as the means to perform fusion of multiple modalities at multiple resolutions.
- Requirements
- Prepare Datasets
- Inference
- Training
- Evaluation
- Framework Structure
- Citation
- Acknowledgments
We tested the code on Linux with
- python 3.7.4
- pytorch 1.6.0
- torchvision 0.7.0
- cuda 10.1.243
- gcc 6.3.0
pip install mmcv-full==1.3.17 -f
pip install -r requirements/build.txt
pip install -v -e .
pip install -r requirements/hrfuser.txt
For alternative ways to setup your environment please refer to mmdetection documentation for installation. For introduction to the general mmdetection framework please refer to: MMDetection
Prepare Datasets:
In this project we include pre-processing for two separate datasets: nuScenes and Seeing Through Fog (Dense). You can run HRFuser with either of the one.
For an easy start, we recommend to test the network with nuScenes v1.0-mini.
- Download nuScenes from the official website.
- Move it to
- Run the dataset conversion script: (adapted from MMDetection3D)
python tools/ nuscenes --root-path ./data/nuscenes --out-dir ./data/nuscenes --extra-tag nuscenes
Alternatively for nuScenes v1.0-mini:
python tools/ nuscenes --root-path ./data/nuscenes --out-dir ./data/nuscenes --extra-tag nuscenes --version v1.0-mini
Seeing Through Fog:
- Download SeeingThroughFog from the official website
- Unzip
7z x ""
cd SeeingThroughFogCompressed
find . -mindepth 2 -type f -print -exec mv {} . \;
rm -r */
7z x "*.zip"
- Rename
cd ..
mv SeeingThroughFogCompressed dense
- Move it to
mv dense [HRFuser repository]/data/
- Download the already converted Seeing Through Fog .pkl files from:
and move them to the dense folder:
mv [download folder]/converted_stf_pkl_files/*.pkl data/dense/
- Run the dataset conversion script: (based on SeeingThroughFog)
python SeeingThroughFog/tools/ProjectionTools/ -f RGB2Gatedv2 -t lidar_hdl64 -r data/dense/ -l all
python SeeingThroughFog/tools/ProjectionTools/Gated2RGB/ -l all
We provided pre-trained weights for the HRFuser on nuScenes and Seeing Through Fog. Please download the weights and move them to the checkpoints
To do inference with HRFuser run the test script:
python tools/ [path to config] [path to checkpoint] --show-dir [output_dir]
For Example:
HRFuser-T (nuScenes):
python tools/ configs/hrfuser/ checkpoints/cascade_rcnn_hrfuser_t_1x_nus_r640_l_r_fusion_latest.pth --cfg-options data.test.samples_per_gpu=1 --show-dir demo/output
HRFuser-T (Seeing Through Fog)
python tools/ configs/hrfuser/ checkpoints/cascade_rcnn_hrfuser_t_1x_stf_r1248_4mod_latest.pth --cfg-options data.test.samples_per_gpu=1 --show-dir demo/output
To train HRFuser on multiple GPUs run:
tools/ [path to config] [number GPUs]
To train HRFuser on one GPUs run:
python tools/ [path to config]
For Example:
HRFuser-T (nuScenes)
tools/ configs/hrfuser/ 4 --seed 0
HRFuser-B (nuScenes)
tools/ configs/hrfuser/ 6 --seed 0
HRFuser-T (Seeing Through Fog)
tools/ configs/hrfuser/ 4 --seed 0
For single gpu training, please use the version of the corresponding config file ending on "_bn" (using 'BN' instead of 'SyncBN') and adjust the "samples_per_gpu" accordingly. To run HRFuser-T on 1 GPU:
python tools/ configs/hrfuser/ --seed 0
To evaluate the results of the HRFuser run the test script:
python tools/ [path to config] [path to checkpoint] --eval bbox
For Example:
HRFuser-T (nuScenes)
python tools/ configs/hrfuser/ checkpoints/cascade_rcnn_hrfuser_t_1x_nus_r640_l_r_fusion_latest.pth --eval bbox --cfg-options data.test.samples_per_gpu=12
HRFuser-T (Seeing Through Fog)
python tools/ configs/hrfuser/ checkpoints/cascade_rcnn_hrfuser_t_1x_stf_r1248_4mod_latest.pth --eval bbox --cfg-options data.test.samples_per_gpu=12
Framework Structure
This project is based on mmdetection version 2.19.1. For more information about the framework structure and the config system, please refer to the mmdetection documentation.
The most relevant files for HRFuser are:
- configs/hrfuser/ Examplary config file for the HRFuser-B on nuScenes.
- mmdet/models/backbones/ The HRFormer-based backbone of the HRFuser.
If you find this project useful in your research, please consider citing:
title={HRFuser: A Multi-resolution Sensor Fusion Architecture for 2D Object Detection},
author={Broedermann, Tim and Sakaridis, Christos and Dai, Dengxin and Van Gool, Luc},
booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)},
This project is based on the following open-source projects. We thank their authors for making the source code publicly available.