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A trait that allows you to pass arguments to Laravel middleware in a more PHP'ish way.

Results 9 has-parameters issues
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Is it possible to support a PHP 8 named parameters? See: https://twitter.com/michaeldyrynda/status/1382126522153111555

Currently all the functionality is on the trait, it might be a good idea to move all the private methods off to a static helper class and only expose the...

By adding types via docblocks, it is possible to provide a "typed" experience. Need to document this. ![types](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24803032/139563253-e2cf921e-0fd1-492e-8481-d762621ff89b.jpg)

Please see ❌ https://github.com/timacdonald/has-parameters/runs/8125268259?check_suite_focus=true

In this PR, I've updated trait to support BackedEnums. Example: I have enum with available features in the system, and middleware that is checking if given feature is enabled with...

Updates the requirements on [infection/infection](https://github.com/infection/infection) to permit the latest version. Release notes Sourced from infection/infection's releases. If condition mutators, graceful handling of SIGINT, PHPUnit 10 fixes and more 0.27.0 (2023-05-16)...


Updates the requirements on [infection/infection](https://github.com/infection/infection) to permit the latest version. Release notes Sourced from infection/infection's releases. Use CI (GitHub, GitLab) variable to detect project path Changed: feat: use CI variables...


A pretty basic upgrade here.

This is an automated pull request from [Shift](https://laravelshift.com) to update your package code and dependencies to be compatible with Laravel 11.x. **Before merging**, you need to: - Checkout the `l11-compatibility`...