@mengccmumu the following is the comment in response.go This file contains the implementation of [dubbo2 rpc protocol](https://dubbo.apache.org/zh/docs/concepts/rpc-protocol/#dubbo2), which is deprecated. Use the [implementation](https://github.com/apache/dubbo-go/tree/master/protocol/dubbo/hessian2) in dubbo-go project instead.
@StonyShi there is an unit test about map in map, https://github.com/apache/dubbo-go-hessian2/blob/4cd8b9da65a875f7b222fea8b76d693edfb0cc25/map_test.go#L129
@evanzhang87 it's a great enhancement, contributions are welcome ~
some materials: - dubbo rpc protocol: https://cn.dubbo.apache.org/zh/blog/2018/10/05/dubbo-%e5%8d%8f%e8%ae%ae%e8%af%a6%e8%a7%a3/ - dubbo rpc protocol implement : https://github.com/apache/dubbo-go/blob/master/protocol/dubbo/dubbo_protocol.go dubbo rpc attachments belongs to the Variable Part, but u can't get where it starts from,...
@justxuewei In hessian2 protocol, `int` type (32bit) is the minimal number type, so hessian2 will encode int8 to int32. Then the other side of dubbo rpc will decode and get...
@justxuewei there is another option. Change the calling of function from `decoder.Decode()` to `decoder.decToDest(dest)` ```go arg, err = decoder.Decode() // change to the following argDest:= reflect.new(argType) err = decoder.decToDest(argDest) //...
Convert the arg to the target type: ```go dec, err = decoder.Decode() if argType != dec.Type { decValue := hessian.EnsurePackValue(dec) argDest:= reflect.new(argType) hessian.SetValue(argDest, decValue) arg = argDest.Interface() } else {...
The implementation of [dubbo2 rpc protocol](https://dubbo.apache.org/zh/docs/concepts/rpc-protocol/#dubbo2) in dubbo-go-hessian2 project is deprecated. Use the [implementation](https://github.com/apache/dubbo-go/tree/master/protocol/dubbo/hessian2) in dubbo-go project instead.
@finefuture u can submit a new issue in dubbo-go project, and provide more details that how to reproduce this issue.
@mengccmumu pls try `*int64` to ref `java.lang.Long`