
Results 29 issues of Jason

> The Safari channel that follows a six-week release cycle (similar to as Chrome and Firefox) is called Safari Technology Preview and it is the recommended option instead of the...


I'm a bit of an emacs newbie, and I'm completely unsure how to use this. I'm using Doom Emacs. Here is the relevant part of my packages.el ```emacs-lisp ;; code-compass...

We would like to be able to expand/collapse an accordion card on two occasions: 1. When clicking the card header 2. When clicking the `Next` button (see image) I don't...

## Steps to Reproduce 1. Create a 'test' directory in the project root directory 1. Create an elm file in the test directory 1. Follow the instructions [here](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-community/elm-test/latest), namely, 1)...

Just wanted to make sure you know that searching for "haskell" in the marketplace does not surface this repo. https://github.com/marketplace?type=&verification=&query=haskell+.

**Why:** Fix security issue https://jfmengels.net/virtual-dom-security-patch/ https://github.com/aforemny/material-components-web-elm/issues/169

https://jfmengels.net/virtual-dom-security-patch/ PR incoming

[setMin](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/aforemny/material-components-web-elm/latest/Material-TextField#setMin) and [setMax](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/aforemny/material-components-web-elm/latest/Material-TextField#setMax) both have a type signature of `Maybe Int -> Config msg -> Config msg`, but I believe they should be `Maybe String -> Config msg -> Config...

Is there a way to do onBlur that I'm missing? If not, I'll try to add it.
