
Results 27 comments of Jason

Not sure if I should comment here or start another issue, let me know if I should start another issue. I spent hours yesterday trying to get .eslintrc to be...

@clintmod any guidance here? I'm having the same issue ``` $ python --version Python 3.9.7 $ macprefs backup File "/usr/local/bin/macprefs", line 23 print 'Backup Complete.' ^ SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in...

> Would you happen to want to submit a PR? :-) I would, but I don't have time or energy right now :(

@nunntom we spoke with aforemny and have forked the repo https://github.com/motorefi/material-components-web-elm and will be working on https://github.com/aforemny/material-components-web-elm/issues/157 and https://github.com/aforemny/material-components-web-elm/issues/156 (and maybe others). We have a deadline at work so need...

I just realized there's a `setAttributes` function, so I tried to use it to handle `onBlur` but it didn't work. The `onBlur` event gets attached to the `mdc-text-field__input` node, not...

> On the other hand, this should work as well and [is what upstream does](https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web/tree/master/packages/mdc-textfield#filled-text-example): ``` ``` You probably know, but this is called implicit labeling. Per [w3.org's tutorial on...

> I've been able to track this down to a seeming incompatibility between elm-language-server and Node 18.x. Reverting node to 16.x has resolved the issue for me. Even more weirdly,...

@18810319795, in [README.md](https://github.com/Kyubyong/tacotron/blob/master/README.md), the author links to the [World English Bible](https://www.kaggle.com/bryanpark/the-world-english-bible-speech-dataset). If you download that audio Bible, it will contain `text.csv`.

I searched their blog for "deep" and found "deep model" so then I searched for "deep model" and this is the only result I got https://www.tabnine.com/blog/tabnine-memory-and-cpu-usage/. So I'm guessing that's...