unfolding icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
unfolding copied to clipboard

Zooming in/out a few times makes tiles partially disappear

Open merttoka opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

We are working on software for movement visualization that uses Unfolding Maps 0.9.9 with Processing 4.0-alpha 3. It works great in general, but there is a minor issue. When we zoom in/out a couple of times, some map tiles partially disappear.

merttoka avatar Apr 23 '21 09:04 merttoka

Sorry for the long silence. Is this still existing?

I did not test Unfolding with P4 yet. Do you see any error messages in the log?

tillnagel avatar Oct 07 '21 19:10 tillnagel

I cannot seem to replicate the issue on my system right now, but I don't remember seeing an error message when I had encountered this in the past.

Edit: I fixed the link for the original issue on the DynamoViz repo.

merttoka avatar Oct 10 '21 22:10 merttoka