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Default map tiles do not work

Open tillnagel opened this issue 9 years ago • 5 comments

The default map provider Unfolding uses (when no MapProvider is specified) is broken. That's because the map service's server toolserver.org moved.

For now, you have to use another or your own map provider. See how do to that at http://unfoldingmaps.org/tutorials/mapprovider-and-tiles.html#map-styles

Via http://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/comment/32245#Comment_32245

tillnagel avatar Dec 23 '14 08:12 tillnagel

Toolserver.org redirects to working tiles.wmflabs.org now. Works again without changes in Unfolding.

tillnagel avatar Feb 25 '15 14:02 tillnagel

Yup, external service at wmflabs.org is down. This is a service by Wikimedia, and it seems to be broken at the moment. Please switch to another provider for the moment.

tillnagel avatar Jun 20 '15 12:06 tillnagel

wmflabs.org is up again. Closing this for now.

We need to think about switching Unfolding's default provider to something more stable.

tillnagel avatar Jun 23 '15 16:06 tillnagel

toolserver.org is not existing anymore, thus not redirecty to wmflabs.org.

We need to switch to wmflabs.org in our code. See http://tiles.wmflabs.org/osm/slippymap2.html for an overview.

tillnagel avatar Aug 19 '15 14:08 tillnagel

NB: This is fixed in the beta of Unfolding for Processing 3.

tillnagel avatar Dec 27 '17 12:12 tillnagel