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[Bug] Furnace crashes when MIDI device is unplugged
Here are the crash logs.....
Stack trace (most recent call last):
#16 Object "", at 0x7ffaa1537034, in BaseThreadInitThunk
#15 Object "", at 0x7ff74914a9d1, in ZN10MidiOutApiD0Ev
#14 Object "", at 0x7ff74914a99f, in ZN10MidiOutApiD0Ev
#13 Object "", at 0x7ff749024059, in ZN10MidiOutApiD0Ev
#12 Object "", at 0x7ff74915b3d2, in ZN10MidiOutApiD0Ev
#11 Object "", at 0x7ff748a13262, in ??
#10 Object "", at 0x7ff748a13314, in ??
#9 Object "", at 0x7ff7488c82af, in ??
#8 Object "", at 0x7ff748907c88, in ??
#7 Object "", at 0x7ff7489040a3, in ??
#6 Object "", at 0x7ff748a14516, in ??
#5 Object "", at 0x7ff7492b6f3f, in ZN9RtMidiOut11sendMessageEPKhy
#4 Object "", at 0x7ff748fbaba4, in ZN10MidiOutApiD0Ev
#3 Object "", at 0x7ff748fb802a, in ZN7MidiApi5errorEN11RtMidiError4TypeENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE
#2 Object "", at 0x7ff7493f297b, in ZNK9RtMidiOut10isPortOpenEv
#1 Object "", at 0x7ff749229dd1, in ZN10MidiOutApiD0Ev
#0 Object "", at 0x7ffa9fcf4fd9, in RaiseException
Oops, this may be a duplicate of https://github.com/tildearrow/furnace/issues/574
From what I can see, I think you got the exact same error I got. You just took a different path to get to it (my crash log is shorter). I'm not a programmer, so I don't know what those hex codes are. I'm not gonna be able to help.
Please try again with git master (provide log viewer output if you can). I've pushed a "fix".
It doesn't crash. I don't know how to save the full output of the logs though.
Window > Log Viewer
Right, I have that open.
Take a screenshot of what happens when you unplug the MIDI device.
Hmmm... will close the device when an error occurs to remove log spam.
Try with git master. I pushed a fix.
The fix didn't work.
Crash or log spam?
Log spam
Try again with latest artifact (in Actions tab). If it crashes, click on OK, tell me and provide furnace_crash.txt.
NOTE: Tested on Linux The program doesn't crash.
But it only reproduces on Windows... Try there if possible.
~I am trying, but I think I have a problem on my end. My Windows VM crashes when I try to launch Furnace.~ I will test with another program.
Maybe unrelated to the issue, but when I start the program, this shows up
I am unable to recreate this issue, as I cannot find my MIDI device. Someone else will have to do the testing.
Maybe unrelated to the issue, but when I start the program, this shows up
Whoops! Debug stuff not removed...
Can't reproduce on Windows. Marking as fixed.
The latest commit fixes log spam.