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Some chip suggestions
- [ ] Atari POKEY
- [ ] Watara Supervision APU
- [ ] T6W28 (mildly-enhanced SN76489)
- [ ] GBA APU
- [x] VERA (Commander X16)
- [x] 2C33 (FDS)
- [x] Konami SCC / SCC+
- [ ] VSU-VUE (Virtual Boy)
- [x] SPGY-1001 (WonderSwan)
- [x] YM2413
- [x] OPL 1/2/3
- [x] RF5C68
- [ ] S-DSP (SNES)
OPL3. There is no proper tracker with UI that isn't boomer MS-DOS cr*p, that is understandable/stable. And OpenMPT is waaay to limiting.
SCC (5ch wavetable, 8-bit) would be a neat addition too, in the future obviously
SCC (5ch wavetable, 8-bit) would be a neat addition too, in the future obviously
There's already the PC Engine chip, which can imitate the SCC the best. (except it has a lower wave depth, but oh well)
Imitation is a one thing, but SSC isnt really PCE. SCC shares waveform between ch4 and ch5, and wave depth really makes a difference (IMO). I could say PCE imitates Wonderswan chip good enough :man_shrugging:
can we also have the Watara Supervision's sound chip?
wow i loved the idea to have the opl1 chip on furnace ( since there is no opl1 tracker anyways )
For the Wonderswan, there is the official Homebrew SDK called the Wonderwitch (can be found on Archive.org). I haven’t messed with it yet but I’d love to see support for the WS. Note: The WonderWitch is sort of like NetYaraoze was for the PS1 where it was developed to make making homebrew easier but may or may not work with real hardware in the traditional sense without some funky workarounds.
I have turned this issue into a list to make it easier for me to track.
I'm an MSX enthusiast and I'd like to use Furnace to make music for real hardware. Of course, if you look at what kind of music hardware is supported by MSX you'd find a ton of options, so at first I'd suggest using only the most common ones: OPLL and AY-3-8910 are already available, and I think MSX-AUDIO (Y8950, which is basically OPL1 + 1 ADPCM channel) and SCC would be very nice additions.
Please add at some point YMZ280B support. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamaha_YMZ280B It is well emulated, supported by VGM, used in one arcade in conjunction with OPL3...
Regarding WonderSwan: It is important to note that the hardware does not actually operate at 60Hz (although Fire Lancer, a homebrew game, does change the display timings to run at around that frequency). Under default conditions, it operates at (12000 / 159)
, or ~75.47
can we also have the Watara Supervision's sound chip?
I just added it as one of the tasks.
Removing from milestone as I have not considered Supervision for 0.6 (yet).