Results 22 comments of tilda

This is fixed, I think. Should be safe to close the issue.

Possibly. But /shrug It might also be Discord's automatic count down stuff. I dunno

Well this is obvious. Since you just closed Spotify, you obviously can't retrieve the track so the object is just undefined

Added to codemodal. About duplication, I agree. I don't really know much about react and js in general (aka "I've done some (basic) stuff with it" level) so I am...

Will try, closing issue for now and will reopen if a error occurs again.

Reopening this then

Can reproduce what @Hatrask is saying here. Appears that sometime ago I probably rebooted while the shim application was open and started getting this issue - my log basically looks...

tried with both the previously mentioned testcase and another recently ranked map with mp4 video on lazer and both were smooth sailing

visual studio != visual studio code