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qps drop more than 2 mins and also affect pitr and cdc lag when injection pd leader io delay 500ms or 1s or io hang due to a circuit breaker mechanism which is by design
Bug Report
What did you do?
1、run tpcc 2、inject pd leader io delay 500ms
What did you expect to see?
qps can recover within 2mins
What did you see instead?
qps drop last 4mins when injection pd leader io delay 500ms
clinic: https://clinic.pingcap.com.cn/portal/#/orgs/31/clusters/7370231614967615066?from=1716078044&to=1716079583
2024-05-19 08:31:01 {"container":"pd","level":"INFO","namespace":"endless-ha-test-oltp-pitr-tps-7539921-1-525","pod":"tc-pd-0","log":"[server.go:1816] ["no longer a leader because lease has expired, pd leader will step down"]"}
The PD-0 lost its PD leader at 08:31:01
2024-05-19 08:31:13 {"container":"pd","level":"INFO","namespace":"endless-ha-test-oltp-pitr-tps-7539921-1-525","pod":"tc-pd-0","log":"[server.go:1733] ["campaign PD leader ok"] [campaign-leader-name=tc-pd-0]"}
At 08:31:13, since PD-0 was still the etcd leader, it was re-elected as the PD leader
2024-05-19 08:31:28 {"container":"pd","level":"INFO","namespace":"endless-ha-test-oltp-pitr-tps-7539921-1-525","pod":"tc-pd-0","log":"[server.go:1816] ["no longer a leader because lease has expired, pd leader will step down"]"}
However, because io chaos continued, PD-0 dropped the PD leader again at 08:31:28, and then triggered the expulsion of the etcd leader mechanism after repeated three times:
2024-05-19 08:33:22 {"container":"pd","level":"ERROR","namespace":"endless-ha-test-oltp-pitr-tps-7539921-1-525","pod":"tc-pd-0","log":"[server.go:1713] ["campaign PD leader meets error due to etcd error"] [campaign-leader-name=tc-pd-0] [error="[PD:server:ErrLeaderFrequentlyChange]leader tc-pd-0 frequently changed, leader-key is [/pd/7370231614967615066/leader]"]"}
2024-05-19 08:33:20 {"namespace":"endless-ha-test-oltp-pitr-tps-7539921-1-525","pod":"tc-pd-1","log":"[server.go:1733] ["campaign PD leader ok"] [campaign-leader-name=tc-pd-1]","level":"INFO","container":"pd"}
At 08:33:22, PD took the initiative to oust the etcd leader, and PD-1 was elected etcd and PD leader
If the etcd leader does not actively switch, the PD can only passively switch the etcd leader after three consecutive pd leader election failures
What version of PD are you using (pd-server -V
v8.1.0 githash: fca469ca33eb5d8b5e0891b507c87709a00b0e81