bpost copied to clipboard
bpost API client
bpost API library is a PHP library which permit to your PHP application to communicate with the bpost API.
composer require antidot-be/bpost-api-library
Common objects
/* Call the Composer autoloader */
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Bpost\BpostApiClient\Bpost;
use Bpost\BpostApiClient\Bpost\Order;
use Bpost\BpostApiClient\Bpost\Order\Address;
use Bpost\BpostApiClient\Bpost\Order\Box;
use Bpost\BpostApiClient\Bpost\Order\Box\AtBpost;
use Bpost\BpostApiClient\Bpost\Order\Box\AtHome;
use Bpost\BpostApiClient\Bpost\Order\Box\CustomsInfo\CustomsInfo;
use Bpost\BpostApiClient\Bpost\Order\Box\International;
use Bpost\BpostApiClient\Bpost\Order\Box\Option\Insurance;
use Bpost\BpostApiClient\Bpost\Order\Box\Option\Messaging;
use Bpost\BpostApiClient\Bpost\Order\Line;
use Bpost\BpostApiClient\Bpost\Order\PugoAddress;
use Bpost\BpostApiClient\Bpost\Order\Receiver;
use Bpost\BpostApiClient\Bpost\ProductConfiguration\Product;
use Bpost\BpostApiClient\BpostException;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
$apiUrl = "https://api.bpost.be/services/shm/";
$apiUsername = "107423";
$apiPassword = "MyGreatApiPassword";
$bpost = new Bpost($apiUsername, $apiPassword, $apiUrl);
/* We set the receiver postal address, without the name */
$receiverAddress = new Address();
$receiverAddress->setStreetName("Rue du Grand Duc");
$receiverAddress->setCountryCode("BE"); // ISO2
/* We set the receiver postal address, without the name */
$receiver = new Receiver();
$receiver->setName("Alma van Appel");
$receiver->setPhoneNumber("+32 2 641 13 90);
$receiver->setEmailAddress("[email protected]");
$orderReference = "ref_0123456789"; // An unique order reference
$order = new Order($orderReference);
* A order line is an order item, like a article
new Line("Article description", 1)
new Line("Some others articles", 5)
* A box is used to split your shipping in many packages
* The box weight must be littlest than to 30kg
$box = new Box();
* Available boxes for national box:
* - AtHome: Delivered at the given address
* - AtBpost: Delivered in a bpost office
* - BpostOnAppointment: Delivered in a shop
* Available boxes for international box:
* - International: Delivered at the given address
$atHome = new AtHome();
/* Add options */
new Insurance(
Create an order
We use the variables set before.
$bpost->createOrReplaceOrder($order); // The order is created with status Box::BOX_STATUS_PENDING
Update order status
$bpost->modifyOrderStatus($orderReference, Box::BOX_STATUS_OPEN);
Get order info
$order = $bpost->fetchOrder($orderReference);
$boxes = $order->getBoxes();
$lines = $order->getLines();
Get labels from an order
$labels = $bpost->createLabelForOrder(
Bpost::LABEL_FORMAT_A6, // $format
false, // $withReturnLabels
true // $asPdf
foreach ($labels as $label) {
$barcode = $label->getBarcode();
$mimeType = $label->getMimeType(); // Label::LABEL_MIME_TYPE_*
$bytes = $label->getBytes();
file_put_contents("$barcode.pdf", $bytes);
Get labels from an existing barcode
$labels = $bpost->createLabelForOrder(
Bpost::LABEL_FORMAT_A6, // $format
false, // $withReturnLabels
true // $asPdf
foreach ($labels as $label) {
$barcode = $label->getBarcode(); // Can be different than $boxBarcode if this is a return label
$mimeType = $label->getMimeType(); // Label::LABEL_MIME_TYPE_*
$bytes = $label->getBytes();
file_put_contents("$barcode.pdf", $bytes);
Get labels from an existing barcode
$labels = $bpost->createLabelInBulkForOrders(
Bpost::LABEL_FORMAT_A6, // $format
false, // $withReturnLabels
true // $asPdf
foreach ($labels as $label) {
$barcode = $label->getBarcode(); // Can be different than $boxBarcode if this is a return label
$mimeType = $label->getMimeType(); // Label::LABEL_MIME_TYPE_*
$bytes = $label->getBytes();
file_put_contents("$barcode.pdf", $bytes);
Geo6 services
$geo6Partner = '999999';
$geo6AppId = 'A001';
$geo6 = new Geo6($geo6Partner, $geo6AppId);
Get nearest points
$points = $geo6->getNearestServicePoint(
'Grand Place', // Street name
'3', // Street number
'1000', // Zip code
'fr', // Language: 'fr' or 'nl'
3, // Point types: Sum of some Geo6::POINT_TYPE_*
5 // Points number
foreach ($points as $point) {
$distance = $point['distance']; // float
/** @var Poi $poi */
$poi = $point['poi'];
Get point details
/** @var Poi $poi */
$poi = $geo6->getServicePointDetails(
200000, // Point ID
'fr', // Language: 'fr' or 'nl'
3 // Point types: Sum of some Geo6::POINT_TYPE_*
Get point map URL
$url = $geo6->getServicePointPageUrl(
200000, // Point ID
'fr', // Language: 'fr' or 'nl'
3 // Point types: Sum of some Geo6::POINT_TYPE_*
Sites using this class
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