futurerestore copied to clipboard
Can't upgrade or Downgrade to 13.3
????@MBP Downloads % futurerestore -t ECID_iPhone12,1_13.3-17C54_1014812ff5acf817a6b8fcb3f0f640291bae8ac8e3e5d0d2b27eef6be96666aa.shsh2 --latest-sep --latest-baseband -u iPhone11,8,iPhone12,1_13.3_17C54_Restore.ipsw
Version: 38b168002bca318c91068fc194abd36e2d54f155 - 180
Libipatcher Version: 80df8700f52e6eb8777a28bfcc19f86da7d9b9b9 - 68
Odysseus for 32-bit support: yes
Odysseus for 64-bit support: yes
INFO: device serial number is .......
[INFO] 64-bit device detected
futurerestore init done
reading signing ticket ECID_iPhone12,1_13.3-17C54_1014812ff5acf817a6b8fcb3f0f640291bae8ac8e3e5d0d2b27eef6be96666aa.shsh2 is done
user specified to use latest signed SEP (WARNING, THIS CAN CAUSE A NON-WORKING RESTORE)
[TSSC] opening firmware.json
[DOWN] downloading file https://api.ipsw.me/v2.1/firmwares.json/condensed
[TSSC] selecting latest firmware version: 13.3.1
[TSSC] got firmwareurl for iOS 13.3.1 build 17D50
100 [===================================================================================================>]
downloading SEP
100 [===================================================================================================>]
[TSSC] opening /tmp/futurerestore/sepManifest.plist
[TSSR] User specified doesn't to request a baseband ticket.
Request URL set to https://gs.apple.com/TSS/controller?action=2
Sending TSS request attempt 1... response successfully received
user specified to use latest signed baseband (WARNING, THIS CAN CAUSE A NON-WORKING RESTORE)
downloading Baseband
100 [===================================================================================================>]
ERROR: Unable to connect to device?!
ERROR: Unable to get FirmwarePreflightInfo
[WARNING] failed to read BasebandGoldCertID from device! Is it already in recovery?
[WARNING] using tsschecker's fallback to get BasebandGoldCertID. This might result in invalid baseband signing status information
[TSSC] opening /tmp/futurerestore/basebandManifest.plist
[TSSR] User specified to request only a Baseband ticket.
Request URL set to https://gs.apple.com/TSS/controller?action=2
Sending TSS request attempt 1... response successfully received
Found device in Recovery mode
Device already in recovery mode
Found device in Recovery mode
Identified device as n104ap, iPhone12,1
Extracting BuildManifest from iPSW
Product version: 13.3
Product build: 17C54 Major: 17
Device supports Image4: true
Got ApNonce from device: 10 14 81 2f f5 ac f8 17 a6 b8 fc b3 f0 f6 40 29 1b ae 8a c8 e3 e5 d0 d2 b2 7e ef 6b e9 66 66 aa
checking APTicket to be valid for this restore...
Verified ECID in APTicket matches device ECID
checking APTicket to be valid for this restore...
Verified ECID in APTicket matches device ECID
[IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 0:
[IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... YES
[IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity has all required hashes:
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "ANE" OK (found "anef" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AOP" OK (found "aopf" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AVE" OK (found "avef" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Ap,HapticAssets" OK (found "hpas" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AppleLogo" OK (found "logo" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AudioCodecFirmware" OK (found "acfw" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BMU,DigestMap" BAD! (hash not found in im4m)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BMU,FirmwareMap" BAD! (hash not found in im4m)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BasebandFirmware" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryCharging0" OK (found "chg0" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryCharging1" OK (found "chg1" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryFull" OK (found "batF" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryLow0" OK (found "bat0" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryLow1" OK (found "bat1" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryPlugin" OK (found "glyP" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "DeviceTree" OK (found "dtre" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "GFX" OK (found "gfxf" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "ISP" OK (found "ispf" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "KernelCache" OK (found "krnl" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "LLB" OK (found "illb" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "LeapHaptics" OK (found "lphp" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "LowPowerWallet0" OK (found "lpw0" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Multitouch" OK (found "mtfw" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "OS" OK (found "rosi" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "PMP" OK (found "pmpf" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Rap,RTKitOS" OK (found "rkos" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Rap,RestoreRTKitOS" OK (found "rrko" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Rap,SoftwareBinaryDsp1" OK (found "sbd1" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RecoveryMode" OK (found "recm" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreDeviceTree" OK (found "rdtr" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreKernelCache" OK (found "rkrn" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreLogo" OK (found "rlgo" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreRamDisk" BAD! (hash not found in im4m)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreSEP" OK (found "rsep" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreTrustCache" BAD! (hash not found in im4m)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "SE,UpdatePayload" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "SEP" OK (found "sepi" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "SIO" OK (found "siof" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B0-Dev-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B0-Dev-PatchVT" IGN (custom ignore: Savage)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B0-Prod-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B0-Prod-PatchVT" IGN (custom ignore: Savage)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B2-Dev-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B2-Dev-PatchVT" IGN (custom ignore: Savage)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B2-Prod-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B2-Prod-PatchVT" IGN (custom ignore: Savage)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,BA-Dev-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,BA-Prod-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "StaticTrustCache" OK (found "trst" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "WCHFirmwareUpdater" OK (found "wchf" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch0" BAD! (hash not found in im4m)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch1" BAD! (hash not found in im4m)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch2" BAD! (hash not found in im4m)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch3" BAD! (hash not found in im4m)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch4" BAD! (hash not found in im4m)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch5" BAD! (hash not found in im4m)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch6" BAD! (hash not found in im4m)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch7" BAD! (hash not found in im4m)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch8" BAD! (hash not found in im4m)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch9" BAD! (hash not found in im4m)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatchA" BAD! (hash not found in im4m)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatchB" BAD! (hash not found in im4m)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "eUICC,Gold" BAD! (hash not found in im4m)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "eUICC,Main" BAD! (hash not found in im4m)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "ftap" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "ftsp" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBEC" OK (found "ibec" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBSS" OK (found "ibss" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBoot" OK (found "ibot" with matching hash)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "rfta" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest)
[IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "rfts" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest)
failed verification with error: [exception]: what=verification failed! code=81592332 line=1245 file=img4tool.cpp commit count=27: commit sha =b4c0faaa2ae1aa037af1a7bc88cf58c4e5667b6f: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 1: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 2: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... YES [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity has all required hashes: [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "ANE" OK (found "anef" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AOP" OK (found "aopf" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AVE" OK (found "avef" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Ap,HapticAssets" OK (found "hpas" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AppleLogo" OK (found "logo" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AudioCodecFirmware" OK (found "acfw" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BMU,DigestMap" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BMU,FirmwareMap" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BasebandFirmware" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryCharging0" OK (found "chg0" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryCharging1" OK (found "chg1" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryFull" OK (found "batF" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryLow0" OK (found "bat0" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryLow1" OK (found "bat1" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryPlugin" OK (found "glyP" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "DeviceTree" OK (found "dtre" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "GFX" OK (found "gfxf" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "ISP" OK (found "ispf" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "KernelCache" OK (found "krnl" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "LLB" OK (found "illb" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "LeapHaptics" OK (found "lphp" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "LowPowerWallet0" OK (found "lpw0" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Multitouch" OK (found "mtfw" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "OS" OK (found "rosi" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "PMP" OK (found "pmpf" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Rap,RTKitOS" OK (found "rkos" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Rap,RestoreRTKitOS" OK (found "rrko" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Rap,SoftwareBinaryDsp1" OK (found "sbd1" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RecoveryMode" OK (found "recm" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreDeviceTree" OK (found "rdtr" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreKernelCache" OK (found "rkrn" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreLogo" OK (found "rlgo" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreRamDisk" OK (found "rdsk" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreSEP" OK (found "rsep" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreTrustCache" OK (found "rtsc" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "SE,UpdatePayload" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "SEP" OK (found "sepi" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "SIO" OK (found "siof" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B0-Dev-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B0-Dev-PatchVT" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B0-Prod-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B0-Prod-PatchVT" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B2-Dev-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B2-Dev-PatchVT" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B2-Prod-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B2-Prod-PatchVT" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,BA-Dev-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,BA-Prod-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "StaticTrustCache" OK (found "trst" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "WCHFirmwareUpdater" OK (found "wchf" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch0" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch1" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch2" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch3" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch4" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch5" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch6" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch7" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch8" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch9" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatchA" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatchB" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "eUICC,Gold" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "eUICC,Main" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "ftap" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "ftsp" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBEC" OK (found "ibec" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBSS" OK (found "ibss" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBoot" OK (found "ibot" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "rfta" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "rfts" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest)
failed verification with error: [exception]: what=verification failed! code=81592332 line=1245 file=img4tool.cpp commit count=27: commit sha =b4c0faaa2ae1aa037af1a7bc88cf58c4e5667b6f: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 3: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type tihmstar::exception: std::exception zsh: abort futurerestore -t --latest-sep --latest-baseband -u ....@MBP Downloads %
???@MBP Downloads % futurerestore -t ECID_iPhone12,1_13.3-17C54_c3bb3ed445b4e87487adc85a9421eeedd0a154bf77bf032bfddfc3d940c14122.shsh2 -b ICE19-1.03.12.Release.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s sep-firmware.n104.RELEASE.im4p -m BuildManifest.plist -u iPhone11,8,iPhone12,1_13.3_17C54_Restore.ipsw Version: 38b168002bca318c91068fc194abd36e2d54f155 - 180 Libipatcher Version: 80df8700f52e6eb8777a28bfcc19f86da7d9b9b9 - 68 Odysseus for 32-bit support: yes Odysseus for 64-bit support: yes INFO: device serial number is ....... [INFO] 64-bit device detected futurerestore init done reading signing ticket ECID_iPhone12,1_13.3-17C54_c3bb3ed445b4e87487adc85a9421eeedd0a154bf77bf032bfddfc3d940c14122.shsh2 is done [TSSC] opening BuildManifest.plist [TSSR] User specified doesn't to request a baseband ticket. Request URL set to https://gs.apple.com/TSS/controller?action=2 Sending TSS request attempt 1... response successfully received Did set SEP+baseband path and firmware ERROR: Unable to connect to device?! ERROR: Unable to get FirmwarePreflightInfo [WARNING] failed to read BasebandGoldCertID from device! Is it already in recovery? [WARNING] using tsschecker's fallback to get BasebandGoldCertID. This might result in invalid baseband signing status information [TSSC] opening BuildManifest.plist [TSSR] User specified to request only a Baseband ticket. Request URL set to https://gs.apple.com/TSS/controller?action=2 Sending TSS request attempt 1... response successfully received Found device in Recovery mode Device already in recovery mode Found device in Recovery mode Identified device as n104ap, iPhone12,1 Extracting BuildManifest from iPSW Product version: 13.3 Product build: 17C54 Major: 17 Device supports Image4: true Got ApNonce from device: c3 bb 3e d4 45 b4 e8 74 87 ad c8 5a 94 21 ee ed d0 a1 54 bf 77 bf 03 2b fd df c3 d9 40 c1 41 22 checking APTicket to be valid for this restore... Verified ECID in APTicket matches device ECID checking APTicket to be valid for this restore... Verified ECID in APTicket matches device ECID [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 0: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... YES [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity has all required hashes: [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "ANE" OK (found "anef" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AOP" OK (found "aopf" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AVE" OK (found "avef" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Ap,HapticAssets" OK (found "hpas" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AppleLogo" OK (found "logo" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AudioCodecFirmware" OK (found "acfw" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BMU,DigestMap" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BMU,FirmwareMap" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BasebandFirmware" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryCharging0" OK (found "chg0" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryCharging1" OK (found "chg1" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryFull" OK (found "batF" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryLow0" OK (found "bat0" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryLow1" OK (found "bat1" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryPlugin" OK (found "glyP" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "DeviceTree" OK (found "dtre" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "GFX" OK (found "gfxf" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "ISP" OK (found "ispf" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "KernelCache" OK (found "krnl" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "LLB" OK (found "illb" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "LeapHaptics" OK (found "lphp" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "LowPowerWallet0" OK (found "lpw0" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Multitouch" OK (found "mtfw" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "OS" OK (found "rosi" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "PMP" OK (found "pmpf" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Rap,RTKitOS" OK (found "rkos" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Rap,RestoreRTKitOS" OK (found "rrko" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Rap,SoftwareBinaryDsp1" OK (found "sbd1" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RecoveryMode" OK (found "recm" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreDeviceTree" OK (found "rdtr" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreKernelCache" OK (found "rkrn" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreLogo" OK (found "rlgo" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreRamDisk" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreSEP" OK (found "rsep" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreTrustCache" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "SE,UpdatePayload" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "SEP" OK (found "sepi" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "SIO" OK (found "siof" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B0-Dev-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B0-Dev-PatchVT" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B0-Prod-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B0-Prod-PatchVT" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B2-Dev-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B2-Dev-PatchVT" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B2-Prod-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B2-Prod-PatchVT" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,BA-Dev-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,BA-Prod-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "StaticTrustCache" OK (found "trst" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "WCHFirmwareUpdater" OK (found "wchf" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch0" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch1" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch2" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch3" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch4" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch5" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch6" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch7" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch8" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch9" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatchA" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatchB" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "eUICC,Gold" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "eUICC,Main" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "ftap" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "ftsp" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBEC" OK (found "ibec" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBSS" OK (found "ibss" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBoot" OK (found "ibot" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "rfta" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "rfts" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest)
failed verification with error: [exception]: what=verification failed! code=81592332 line=1245 file=img4tool.cpp commit count=27: commit sha =b4c0faaa2ae1aa037af1a7bc88cf58c4e5667b6f: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 1: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 2: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... YES [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity has all required hashes: [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "ANE" OK (found "anef" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AOP" OK (found "aopf" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AVE" OK (found "avef" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Ap,HapticAssets" OK (found "hpas" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AppleLogo" OK (found "logo" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AudioCodecFirmware" OK (found "acfw" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BMU,DigestMap" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BMU,FirmwareMap" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BasebandFirmware" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryCharging0" OK (found "chg0" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryCharging1" OK (found "chg1" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryFull" OK (found "batF" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryLow0" OK (found "bat0" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryLow1" OK (found "bat1" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryPlugin" OK (found "glyP" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "DeviceTree" OK (found "dtre" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "GFX" OK (found "gfxf" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "ISP" OK (found "ispf" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "KernelCache" OK (found "krnl" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "LLB" OK (found "illb" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "LeapHaptics" OK (found "lphp" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "LowPowerWallet0" OK (found "lpw0" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Multitouch" OK (found "mtfw" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "OS" OK (found "rosi" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "PMP" OK (found "pmpf" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Rap,RTKitOS" OK (found "rkos" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Rap,RestoreRTKitOS" OK (found "rrko" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Rap,SoftwareBinaryDsp1" OK (found "sbd1" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RecoveryMode" OK (found "recm" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreDeviceTree" OK (found "rdtr" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreKernelCache" OK (found "rkrn" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreLogo" OK (found "rlgo" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreRamDisk" OK (found "rdsk" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreSEP" OK (found "rsep" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreTrustCache" OK (found "rtsc" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "SE,UpdatePayload" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "SEP" OK (found "sepi" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "SIO" OK (found "siof" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B0-Dev-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B0-Dev-PatchVT" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B0-Prod-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B0-Prod-PatchVT" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B2-Dev-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B2-Dev-PatchVT" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B2-Prod-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,B2-Prod-PatchVT" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,BA-Dev-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Savage,BA-Prod-Patch" IGN (custom ignore: Savage) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "StaticTrustCache" OK (found "trst" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "WCHFirmwareUpdater" OK (found "wchf" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch0" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch1" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch2" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch3" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch4" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch5" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch6" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch7" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch8" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatch9" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatchA" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "Yonkers,SysTopPatchB" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "eUICC,Gold" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "eUICC,Main" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "ftap" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "ftsp" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBEC" OK (found "ibec" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBSS" OK (found "ibss" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBoot" OK (found "ibot" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "rfta" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "rfts" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest)
failed verification with error: [exception]: what=verification failed! code=81592332 line=1245 file=img4tool.cpp commit count=27: commit sha =b4c0faaa2ae1aa037af1a7bc88cf58c4e5667b6f: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 3: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type tihmstar::exception: std::exception zsh: abort futurerestore -t -b ICE19-1.03.12.Release.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s -m