tigris icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tigris copied to clipboard

Tigris is an Open Source Serverless NoSQL Database and Search Platform.


For developers who want to build scalable web and mobile apps fast!

With a zero-ops scalable pub/sub messaging system and fault-tolerant cloud-native database,
Tigris provides everything you need to get up and running quickly and efficiently.

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Building with Docker Containers

Start local Tigris server listening on http://localhost:8081 by running:

make run

This would bring dependencies and server up in the docker containers with all your changes.

Alternatively, you can run make run_full to bring up monitoring tools as well.

  • Graphana: http://localhost:3000
  • Prometheus: http://localhost:9090

Running tests

Run in the docker container

Tests are executed using make test. This runs both unit and integration tests in the docker containers.

Run in the IDE

Run make run to bring the server up in the docker container. Now you can run individual tests in the IDE of your choice. Entire test suite can be run using make local_test.

Debugging the server in the IDE

Run make local_run to start Tigris server on the host. Now you can attach to the process and debug from the IDE.


This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0.