``` Current master: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reactor Summary for metron-deployment 0.7.2: metron-deployment .................................. SUCCESS [ 0.772 s] metron-rpm ......................................... SUCCESS [14:15 min] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUILD SUCCESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total time: 14:16 min (Wall Clock)...
Quote from jira > When installing SOLR cloud, its been highly recommended to use the cluster zookeeper ensemble rather then installing your in own mini-zk cluster just for SOLR. For...
Will link to Jira in future. cypress seems to be timing out trying to detect chrome?
retest this please
At the moment all un-optimised javascript files are being picked up by RAT as license violations during the RPM build process.
Blocked pending the resolution of METRON-2257
CI tests die due to 50 minute timeout. Perhaps we should use some of the flags in the CI build? :)
@djui , Try using a conditional execution of moq based on comparative age of the mock source and the test file eg. `//go:generate sh -c "test httpClient_generated_test.go -nt $GOFILE &&...