Feng Honglin
Feng Honglin
@kevinsmith I saw this in the log: `HTTPSConnectionPool(host='cloud.docker.com', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=None)` When an task is picked up and executed, the script tries to connect to docker cloud...
@kevinsmith Thanks for the testing. 1. `why does the call to cloud.docker.com have such a long (15 minute) timeout?` I didn't set the timeout. The value is `None` by default...
@kevinsmith yes, confirmed that it happens on azure consistently. The code that hangs for 15 mins is here: https://github.com/docker/python-dockercloud/blob/4325c7c68b5751bbba85e7c3d33596796a4dc4c2/dockercloud/api/http.py#L58 I tested both requests 2.7.0(the one that haproxy is using at...
@kevinsmith I don't think anything is changed so far. I have updated the dockercloud python SDK to allow setting a timeout(15seconds) for the API call. The change is in staging...
@santu1120 This is like an HAProxy config file issue. Not related to this repo, no?