indonesian-asr copied to clipboard
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) for Indonesian language built by using HTK and Julius. Web interface is built using Node.js.
Indonesian Automatic Speech Recognition
cd training
- Create MFCC files
python dataset/train
- Create Monophone Model
- Prototype
`python files` (SEKIP AJA GAPAPA SIH)
- Wordlist
`HDMan -m -w wordlist/wlist -n monophones1 -l dlog dict wordlist/indonesian.lex`
Edit "dict" by adding
silence sil
at the correct position (remain sorted)
Jalankan `python`
Create following edit script "mkphones0.led" containing:
IS sil sil
DE sp
Window: `HLEd -l * -d wordlist/dict -i wordlist/phones0.mlf wordlist/mkphones0.led wordlist/words_sanitize.mlf` (INI IYA)
Ubuntu: `HLEd -l '*' -d wordlist/dict -i wordlist/phones0.mlf wordlist/mkphones0.led wordlist/words_sanitize.mlf` (INI IYA)
(disini bakal kobam dan ketahuan mana aja kata-kata yang ga ada di wlist dan dict, jadi harus crosscheck sampe bener)
(ERROR [+6550] LoadHTKLabels: Junk at end of HTK transcription -> jangan lupa hapus spasi doang 1 line, hapus dengan regex `^\n` )
(ERROR [+6550] LoadHTKList: Label Name Expected -> ini karena ada yang angka)
(ERROR [+1232] NumParts: Cannot find word %s in dictionary -> mangat nguli)
beres semua error diatas,
buat ngebersihin si mlf dan scp dari suara yang samsek ga ada di dict
bakal ngeluarin scp dan mlf yang _sanitize
- HMM0-Init
`mkdir hmm0`
`HCompV -C config/conf-train -f 0.01 -m -S files/train_sanitize.scp -M hmm0 files/proto.hmm`
Create monophones0 dengan menggunakan monophones1 tanpa menggunakan entri 'sp'
Lalu bikin file hmmdefs dan macros
Create Model
- HMM-1
mkdir hmm1
HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config/conf-train -I wordlist/phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S files/train_sanitize.scp -H hmm0/macros -H hmm0/hmmdefs -M hmm1 wordlist/monophones0
- HMM-2
mkdir hmm2
HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config/conf-train -I wordlist/phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S files/train_sanitize.scp -H hmm1/macros -H hmm1/hmmdefs -M hmm2 wordlist/monophones0
- HMM-3
mkdir hmm3
HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config/conf-train -I wordlist/phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S files/train_sanitize.scp -H hmm2/macros -H hmm2/hmmdefs -M hmm3 wordlist/monophones0
- HMM-4
mkdir hmm4
HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config/conf-train -I wordlist/phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S files/train_sanitize.scp -H hmm3/macros -H hmm3/hmmdefs -M hmm4 wordlist/monophones0
- HMM-5
mkdir hmm5
HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config/conf-train -I wordlist/phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S files/train_sanitize.scp -H hmm4/macros -H hmm4/hmmdefs -M hmm5 wordlist/monophones0
- HMM-6
mkdir hmm6
HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config/conf-train -I wordlist/phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S files/train_sanitize.scp -H hmm5/macros -H hmm5/hmmdefs -M hmm6 wordlist/monophones0
- HMM-7
mkdir hmm7
HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config/conf-train -I wordlist/phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S files/train_sanitize.scp -H hmm6/macros -H hmm6/hmmdefs -M hmm7 wordlist/monophones0
5. Silence
1. Copy directory hmm7 to hmm8
`xcopy hmm7 hmm8`
2. Copy and paste the “sil” model and rename the new one “sp”(don't delete your old "sil" model, you will need it - just make a copy of it)
Remove state 2 and 4 from new “sp” model (i.e. keep 'centre state' of old “sil” model in new “sp” model)
change <NUMSTATES> to 3
change <STATE> to 2
change <TRANSP> to 3
change matrix in <TRANSP> to 3 by 3 array
change numbers in matrix as follows:
`0.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 0.9 0.1
0.0 0.0 0.0`
2. HHed
Create the "sil.hed" script containing:
`AT 2 4 0.2 {sil.transP}
AT 4 2 0.2 {sil.transP}
AT 1 3 0.3 {sp.transP}
TI silst {sil.state[3],sp.state[2]}`
`mkdir hmm9`
`HHEd -H hmm8/macros -H hmm8/hmmdefs -M hmm9 wordlist/sil.hed wordlist/monophones1`
3. HRest 2x
Windows: `HLEd -l * -d wordlist/dict -i wordlist/phones1.mlf wordlist/mkphones1.led wordlist/words_sanitize.mlf`
Ubuntu: `HLEd -l '*' -d wordlist/dict -i wordlist/phones1.mlf wordlist/mkphones1.led wordlist/words_sanitize.mlf`
`mkdir hmm10`
`HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config/conf-train -I wordlist/phones1.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 3000.0 -S files/train_sanitize.scp -H hmm9/macros -H hmm9/hmmdefs -M hmm10 wordlist/monophones1`
`mkdir hmm11`
`HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config/conf-train -I wordlist/phones1.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 3000.0 -S files/train_sanitize.scp -H hmm10/macros -H hmm10/hmmdefs -M hmm11 wordlist/monophones1`
6. Realigning the data
1. HVite
Bagian ini kata voxforge `1000.0` tapi kalau segitu maupun `3000.0` ada label yang hilang, jadi aku ubah `5000.0`.
Windows: `HVite -A -D -T 1 -l * -o SWT -b SENT-END -C config/conf-train -H hmm11/macros -H hmm11/hmmdefs -i wordlist/aligned.mlf -m -t 250.0 150.0 5000.0 -y lab -a -I wordlist/words_sanitize.mlf -S files/train_sanitize.scp wordlist/dict wordlist/monophones1> HVite_log`
Ubuntu: `HVite -A -D -T 1 -l '*' -o SWT -b SENT-END -C config/conf-train -H hmm11/macros -H hmm11/hmmdefs -i wordlist/aligned.mlf -m -t 250.0 150.0 5000.0 -y lab -a -I wordlist/words_sanitize.mlf -S files/train_sanitize.scp wordlist/dict wordlist/monophones1> HVite_log`
2. HRest 999999x :'(
`mkdir hmm12`
`HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config/conf-train -I wordlist/aligned.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 3000.0 -S files/train_sanitize.scp -H hmm11/macros -H hmm11/hmmdefs -M hmm12 wordlist/monophones1`
`mkdir hmm13`
`HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config/conf-train -I wordlist/aligned.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 3000.0 -S files/train_sanitize.scp -H hmm12/macros -H hmm12/hmmdefs -M hmm13 wordlist/monophones1`
`mkdir hmm14`
`HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config/conf-train -I wordlist/aligned.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 3000.0 -S files/train_sanitize.scp -H hmm13/macros -H hmm13/hmmdefs -M hmm14 wordlist/monophones1`
`mkdir hmm15`
`HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config/conf-train -I wordlist/aligned.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 3000.0 -S files/train_sanitize.scp -H hmm14/macros -H hmm14/hmmdefs -M hmm15 wordlist/monophones1`
`mkdir hmm16`
`HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config/conf-train -I wordlist/aligned.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 3000.0 -S files/train_sanitize.scp -H hmm15/macros -H hmm15/hmmdefs -M hmm16 wordlist/monophones1`
`mkdir hmm17`
`HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config/conf-train -I wordlist/aligned.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 3000.0 -S files/train_sanitize.scp -H hmm16/macros -H hmm16/hmmdefs -M hmm17 wordlist/monophones1`
`mkdir hmm18`
`HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config/conf-train -I wordlist/aligned.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 3000.0 -S files/train_sanitize.scp -H hmm17/macros -H hmm17/hmmdefs -M hmm18 wordlist/monophones1`
cd ..
mkdir decoder
cd decoder
7. Recognizer evaluation
# Tanpa LM GRAM
HBuild wordlist/wlist_sanitize result/network.w
HVite -H hmm18/macros -H hmm18/hmmdefs -S files/train_sanitize.scp -l '*' -i result/recout_nogram.mlf -p 0.0 -s 5.0 -w result/network.w wordlist/dict wordlist/monophones1
HResults -I wordlist/words_sanitize.mlf wordlist/monophones1 result/recout_nogram.mlf
# Dengan LM GRAM
HBuild wordlist/wlist_sanitize result/network.w -n lm/
HVite -H hmm18/macros -H hmm18/hmmdefs -S files/train_sanitize.scp -l '*' -i result/recout_gram.mlf -p 0.0 -s 5.0 -w result/network.w wordlist/dict wordlist/monophones1
HResults -I wordlist/words_sanitize.mlf wordlist/monophones1 result/recout_gram.mlf
8. Decoder
1. Install Julius (
2. Download SLRIM (
3. Buat LM:
4. Buat AM: `mkbinhmm -htkconf ../training/config/conf-train ../training/hmm12/hmmdefs`
Install HDecode: `nmake /f htk_hdecode_nt.mkf all`
`mkdir result`
`HDecode -A -D -T 1 -H hmm13/macros -H hmm13/hmmdefs -C config/conf-test -S files/test_sanitize.scp -l * -i result/recout.mlf -w lm/ -p 0.0 -s 5.0 wordlist/dict wordlist/monophones1`
Windows: `HVite -H hmm13/macros -H hmm13/hmmdefs -S files/test_sanitize.scp -l * -i result/recout.mlf -w ../lm/ -p 0.0 -s 5.0 wordlist/dict wordlist/monophones1`
8. STEP 9
Windows: HLEd -A -D -T 1 -n wordlist/mktri.led -l * -i wordlist/wintri.mlf wordlist/mktri.led wordlist/aligned.mlf
HHEd -A -D -T 1 -H hmm18/macros -H hmm18/hmmdefs -M hmm19 wordlistmktri.hed wordlist/monophones1
Make sure your computer have node js
Run the program
- Make sure you are in web folder using
cd web
- Open node.js terminal (in Windows) or normal terminal (in Linux)
- Type
- Open your browser and type
- Make sure you allow microphone in the browser
- Click button
Start Recording
for record andStop Recording
for stop and save the file in web/demo.wav - Play the sound demo.wav with your application
npm install binaryjs
npm install express
npm install fs
npm install jade
npm install wav
npm install recordrtc
npm install child_process
run using node cobaexec.js
for changing the output, just take the stdout
variable inside the function