Abdellatif Abdelfattah
Abdellatif Abdelfattah
- [x] #882 - [x] Update the meta tag `og:url` such that duplicate urls, always point to the slugged url. For .e.g., /2 wold point to surah-al-baqarah - [x] Update...
In our codebase we are having 2 ways to call dispatch: 1. `dispatch(decreaseQuranTextFontScale())` 2. `dispatch({ type: toggleIsOpen.type });` We should follow one of them for consistency.
https://staging.quran.com/api/qdc/tafsirs/169/by_ayah/1:2?words=true&fields=text_uthmani https://staging.quran.com/api/qdc/tafsirs/169/by_ayah/1:2?words=true&fields=text_uthmani&word_fields=location https://staging.quran.com/api/qdc/tafsirs/169/by_ayah/113:1?words=true&fields=text_uthmani&word_fields=location
Should wait for the settings design to be merged first

QDC's team has come up with [naming conventions](https://www.notion.so/8c1ad6cc568d4539b1988d3b55c11d87?v=c891758229d54b1d9cce07957987b81e) that should be applied to our code base. Using ESLint, we can enforce that using [id-match rule](https://eslint.org/docs/rules/id-match)