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Filtering Solved/Unsolved
A nice feature would be to be able to filter to show solved or unsolved posts only.
Would help a lot to e.g. be able to bring attention to older unsolved posts that have been pushed to another page.
Not to be mistaken as search filter.
I imagine you're referring to the ability to see just unsolved right on the forum view, rather than going to the advanced search? It still sort of is a search filter ultimately though - it still has to alter the topic query for those pages to limit the results printed.
This has crossed my mind before. phpBB doesn't offer any kind of UI for filtering topics on the view_forum pages, but they do offer a way to quickly sort the topics. In a way, this is the same thing since you might sort it by unsolved first, and you'd get what you're looking for. You could sort the other direction as well, but either case, I'd make sure it was still sorted by newest first as a second condition. A sort option is likely much easier and more likely to be possible.
Related: #3 (Search Filters)
When I think a bit about it, you are absolutely correct. A sorting alternative for solved/unsolved would be a more correct way to approach it. It's not actually altering the topic query, that should be some kind of base approach - not to hide content for the user.