Vietnamese-Accent-Prediction copied to clipboard
A simple/fast/accurate accent prediction for non-accented Vietnamese text
Vietnamese Accent Prediction
A very simple/fast/accurate accent prediction for non-accented Vietnamese text using n-gram language model with Markov Chain
All the tests were done on my Macbook, 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB Ram
- Speed: 350 sentences per second ~ 3500 words/syllables per second
- Accuracy: 96.52% on test.txt provided in datasets folder
AccuracyCalculator ac = new AccuracyCalculator();
System.out.println("Accuracy:" + ac.getAccuracy("datasets/test.txt") +"%");
Anh yeu em --> Anh yêu em (I love you)
Toi dang di du lich o ha long --> Tôi đang đi du lịch ở hạ long (I am visting Halong)
Using the provided n-grams data
AccentPredictor ap = new AccentPredictor();
String str = "Toi thich di du lich Ha Noi";
String predictedStr = ap.predictAccents(str);
- You can also get top N predicted results as follows:
AccentPredictor ap = new AccentPredictor();
String str = "Toi thich di du lich Ha Noi";
// (matched_str, matched_score) map
LinkedHashMap<String, Double> = ap.predictAccentsWithMultiMatches(str, 5); //Return the 5 best matches
Using your own n-gram data
AccentPredictor ap = new AccentPredictor("_Your1GramFile", "_Your2GramsFile");
String str = "Toi thich di du lich Ha Noi";
String predictedStr = ap.predictAccents(str);
- To create your own n-gram data, you can use the following API:
String dataFolderPath = "path_to_your_data"; // The folder contains your text data
int numberOfProcessingFiles = -1; // The max number of files you plan to process (-1 means using all the data)
boolean toLowercase = true; // if it is set to "true", the n-grams will be converted to lowercase
String _1GramFileOut = "datasets/news1gram";
String _2GramsFileOut = "datasets/news2grams";
new NGramer(dataFolderPath).statisticNGrams(numberOfProcessingFiles, toLowercase, _1GramFileOut, _2GramsFileOut);