Tiem van der Deure
Tiem van der Deure
In my field (ecology/species distribution modelling) it is very common to use spatial resampling, and I've written some spatial `ResamplingStrategy`s, such as spatial cross-validation, and am considering where to share...
I implemented a `MaxnetBinaryClassifier` in my package [Maxnet.jl](https://github.com/tiemvanderdeure/maxnet.jl). Can it be added to the registry? I'm happy to make some tweaks if needed.
This issue came up in Rasters where Proj segfaults when attempting to create a CRS transformation: https://github.com/rafaqz/Rasters.jl/issues/895 MWE: ```julia using Proj, GeoFormatTypes crs_string = "LOCAL_CS[\"unnamed\",UNIT[\"metre\",1,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9001\"]],AXIS[\"Easting\",EAST],AXIS[\"Northing\",NORTH]]" crs = WellKnownText(GeoFormatTypes.CRS(), crs_string) transform...