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FR : a clean generic aggregation method
Hi, despite the adding of .start and .end for fill_gaps, there is still no clean way to aggregate.
I'd like something like that to work on compatible tsibbles :
agreg_tsibble <- function(x,f=sum,unit) {
f <- match.fun(f)
ind <- index(x)
key <- key(x)
dates_lims <- pull(x,as.character(ind)) %>%
{c(min(.,na.rm = TRUE),max(.,na.rm=TRUE))} %>%
as_date %>%
{c(floor_date(.[1L],unit),ceiling_date(.[2L],unit,change_on_boundary = TRUE))}
x %>%
fill_gaps(.start = dates_lims[1L],
.end = dates_lims[2L]) %>%
index_by(quarter = ~ yearquarter(.)) %>%
group_by_key() %>%
summarize(across(! (!!ind),f))
There is some things that forbids that :
- incompatibility between dates formats in .start and .end (cf my other issue https://github.com/tidyverts/tsibble/issues/267 )
- ceiling_date isn't the right max limit, it should be something like ceiling_date(.[2L],unit,change_on_boundary = TRUE)-"hf interval" but I don't know how to substract tsibble objects of class interval
It would be a very great feature to add, because right now it's way more complicated to aggregate than in stats::ts.