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A simple class for storing time-of-day values


Lifecycle: stable rcc Codecov test coverage CRAN_Status_Badge


The hms package provides a simple class for storing durations or time-of-day values and displaying them in the hh:mm:ss format. This class is intended to simplify data exchange with databases, spreadsheets, and other data sources:

  • Stores values as a numeric vector that contains the number of seconds since midnight
  • Supports construction from explicit hour, minute, or second values
  • Supports coercion to and from various data types, including POSIXt
  • Can be used as column in a data frame
  • Based on the difftime class
  • Values can exceed the 24-hour boundary or be negative
  • By default, fractional seconds up to a microsecond are displayed, regardless of the value of the "digits.secs" option


# The easiest way to get hms is to install the whole tidyverse:

# Alternatively, install just hms:

# Or the the development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")


The following example showcases ways of using the hms class standalone or as a data frame column.


hms(56, 34, 12)
#> 12:34:56
#> 11:55:02.553476
#> 12:34:56
#> [1] "1970-01-01 00:00:01 UTC"

data.frame(hours = 1:3, hms = hms(hours = 1:3))
#>   hours      hms
#> 1     1 01:00:00
#> 2     2 02:00:00
#> 3     3 03:00:00

Internal representation

Objects of the hms and its underlying difftime classes are stored as number of seconds since 00:00:00. Use as.numeric() and as_hms() to convert to and from numbers.

times <- parse_hms(c("00:00:00.25", "00:00:01", "00:01:30", "01:00:00"))
#> 00:00:00.25
#> 00:00:01.00
#> 00:01:30.00
#> 01:00:00.00
times_num <- as.numeric(times)
#> [1]    0.25    1.00   90.00 3600.00
#> 00:00:00.25
#> 00:00:01.00
#> 00:01:30.00
#> 01:00:00.00

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