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Classes and functions to create and summarize resampling objects

rsample a boot on a green background

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The rsample package provides functions to create different types of resamples and corresponding classes for their analysis. The goal is to have a modular set of methods that can be used for:

  • resampling for estimating the sampling distribution of a statistic
  • estimating model performance using a holdout set

The scope of rsample is to provide the basic building blocks for creating and analyzing resamples of a data set, but this package does not include code for modeling or calculating statistics. The Working with Resample Sets vignette gives a demonstration of how rsample tools can be used when building models.

Note that resampled data sets created by rsample are directly accessible in a resampling object but do not contain much overhead in memory. Since the original data is not modified, R does not make an automatic copy.

For example, creating 50 bootstraps of a data set does not create an object that is 50-fold larger in memory:


#> 2,644,640 B

boots <- bootstraps(LetterRecognition, times = 50)
#> 6,686,776 B

# Object size per resample
#> 133,735.5 B

# Fold increase is <<< 50
#> [1] 2.528426

Created on 2022-02-28 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

The memory usage for 50 bootstrap samples is less than 3-fold more than the original data set.


To install it, use:


And the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("pak")


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