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Real-time Geospatial and Geofencing

Results 133 tile38 issues
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Sorry to re-ask an old question ( #42 ), but I'm trying to troubleshoot a performance issue with my production instance and graphing CPU over time, it seems I'm running...

Hello. For the nearby lookup, tile38 uses the KNN algorithm instead of [standard overlap+Haversine algorithm]. Is there any benchmark or comparison done between these two approaches? I would like to...

**Describe the solution you'd like** I suggest adding transaction support to the Tile38. Because in my mind during the execution of instructions in Tile38, multiple consecutively executed instructions were interfered,...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** These are the problems that we are trying to solve : 1. We are trying to run Tile38 as a...

**Describe the solution you'd like** Add option to return vector tile output (mvt/.pbf) on search results. Having the ability to generate mvt directly in tile38 like PostGIS's asMVT() function would...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Hooks that live for a limited time are a feature with Tile38, because we can set e.g. `EX 3600`. I...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Can't load some geometries (polygon) from command-line, because the string is too big (E2BIG). **Describe the solution you'd like** Something...

**Describe the bug** Tile38's `EVAL` command does not sanitize Lua code. This allows an attacker to use arbitrary code to potentially access information on the machine and opens a door...

Currently the NEARBY command only supports a radius search around single a point, such as: ``` NEARBY poi POINT 41.2801 -7.7214 100 ``` But it would be great to add...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** With the ARM-based Apple Silicon Macs becoming more and more common, it would be great if there was also a...