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Get JSON values quickly - JSON parser for Rust

Results 4 gjson.rs issues
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The README mentions iterating through the array using `ForEach`. I'm wondering if there's a way to iterate only through the first N items in the array. Or would that include...

I'd like to create new instances of each type of value. Specifically, I'm using gjson to read settings from a JSON object, but I need a fucntion that produces a...

Hi, contrary to the Go implementation, this version doesn't seem to implement the literal notation. ~~~rust const JSON: &str = r#"{"name":{"first":"Janet","last":"Prichard"},"age":47}"#; fn main() { let value = gjson::get(JSON, r#"{name.first,abc:!"abc"}"#); println!("{}",...

The main goal of this PR was to add a new function `gjson::get_bytes(...)` to compliment the `gjson::get(...)` preventing the need to convert to a string, but noticed a few other...