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Fast event-loop networking for Go

Results 28 evio issues
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```go type loop struct { idx int // loop index in the server loops list poll *internal.Poll // epoll or kqueue packet []byte // read packet buffer fdconns map[int]*conn //...

https://github.com/tidwall/evio/blob/c72befaf8b4ff9419bcd8b150f582a358bebf33b/evio_unix.go#L421 should be c.out = append(c.out, out...), otherwise if calling multiple wake before loopWrite is called, only the last output is sent

The three questions are as follows: **1.** When writing data to fd through the loopWrite function, you should check the number of successfully written bytes returned, because when writing some...

Hi: I found when set numLoops > 1, udp server with evio will be slower than numLoops = 1. Use profile, I found there is too much syscall in loopUDPRead(s,...

Is TLS support planned for future release ?

how to performance a push service base on evio ?

Also, how do you get RemoteAddr()?

Fix typo in `event.Tick` example in README ```diff -events.Tick = func() (delay time.Duration, action Action){ +events.Tick = func() (delay time.Duration, action evio.Action){ log.Printf("tick") delay = time.Second return

I need to use a goroutine pool to execute blocking tasks. Almost all goroutine pool libraries use channels to pass tasks to worker goroutines or at-least use channels for goroutine...

any intent to make http into a full fledge http server like fasthttp?