titanium-onboarding icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
titanium-onboarding copied to clipboard

Material design UI slider for onboarding process


Titanium module for the popular PaperOnboarding Swift UI library.


  • [x] Titanium SDK 8.0.0+
  • [x] iOS: Xcode 10.2 / Swift 5.0+

💡 The iOS module is built with Swift 5.0 and you need to have the same Swift version installed to be able to use this module. You can check your current Swift version by using swift -v from the terminal.


Install the module to your project or globally by copying it into the modules folder. After that enable it in your tiapp.xml.

  <module platform="iphone">ti.onboarding</module>


To create a new onboarding process simply use the module's createView method and pass the options you need.

var onboarding = require('ti.onboarding');
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
var onboardingView = onboarding.createView({
  items: [{
    title: "Titanium + Swift",
    description: "You can now use Swift to write native modules in Titanium!",
    informationImage: '/images/titanium-logo.png',
    pageIcon: '/images/titanium-logo.png'
    title: "Titanium + Swift",
    description: "You can now use Swift to write native modules in Titanium!",
    informationImage: '/images/titanium-logo.png',
    pageIcon: '/images/titanium-logo.png',
    color: 'green'

See the API reference for available options.

API Reference




Creates a new onboarding view with the specified items and other options.


Name Type Description
items Array<OnboardingItem> Array of onboarding items. At least one item is required for the view to properly render. See the OnboardingItem reference for available options.
beforeTransition Function Function to be called before item transition. Received the index of the item
afterTransition Function Function to be called after item transition.
defaultItemColor String The default item background color if none specified in the item (defauts to white).
defaultItemTitleColor String The default color of the title text if none specified in the item (defauts to black).
defaultItemDescriptionColor String The default color of the description text if none specified in the item (defauts to gray).
defaultItemTitleFont String | Font The default font of the title text if none specified in the item (defauts to 36pt bold system font).
defaultItemDescriptionFont String | Font The default item background color of none specified in the item (defauts to 14pt system font).
pageItemColor Function Optional function that can be used to adjust the color of an item's bottom page indicator. Receives the item index as a parameter.
pageItemRadius Number Radius of the bottom page indicator for an item (defaults to 8).
pageItemSelectedRadius Number Radius of the bottom page indicator for the selected item (defaults to 22).





currentIndex : Number

Property to retrieve the currently selected item index.


transitionToIndex(index, animated)


Name Type Description
index Number Index of the item to transition to.
animated Boolean Specifies if the transition should be animated. Defaults to true.


Each item represents a page during the onboarding process.

Name Type Description
title String Title of the onboarding item
description String Description of the onboarding item
informationImage String | Ti.File | Ti.Blob Big information image of the onboarding item
pageIcon String | Ti.File | Ti.Blob Page icon of the item at the bottom of the onboarding screen
color String Background color of the onboarding item (optional)
titleColor String Color of the title text (optional)
descriptionColor String Color of the description text (optional)
titleFont String | Font Font of the title text (optional)
descriptionFont String | Font Font of the description text (optional)


Open source contributions are greatly appreciated! If you have a bugfix, improvement or new feature, please create an issue first and submit a pull request against master.

Getting Help

If you have questions about the Onboarding module for Titanium, feel free to reach out on Stackoverflow or the #helpme channel on TiSlack. In case you find a bug, create a new issue or open a new JIRA ticket.


Apache License, Version 2.0