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Review existing reference for errors
This is a list of the existing reference on the tidalcycles.org website. It does not include documentation added to the 0.9 branch.
Each of these items needs to be reviewed for clarity, correctness, and correct examples.
Check an item once it has been reviewed.
- [ ] Installing TidalCycles
- [ ] Running TidalCycles
- [ ] Alternative Editors
- [ ] Alternative Synths
Creating Patterns (The Guide)
- [ ] Creating Rhythmic Sequences
- [ ] Silence
- [ ] Patterns within Patterns
- [ ] Pattern Repetition and Speed
- [ ] Modifying Sequences with Functions
- [ ] Using Effects
- [ ] Sample Playback Speed
- [ ] Euclidean Sequences
- [ ] Tempo
- [ ] The Run Function
- [ ] Algorithmically Selecting Samples
- [ ] Combining Types of Patterns
- [ ] Oscillation with Continuous Patterns
- [ ] Rests
- [ ] Polymeters
- [ ] Shifting Time
- [ ] Introducing Randomness
- [ ] Creating Variation in Patterns
- [ ] Creating "Fills" and Using "const"
- [ ] Composing Multi-Part Patterns
- [ ] Truncating Samples with "cut"
- [ ] Transitions Between Patterns
- [ ] Samples
- [ ] Synths
Pattern Transformers
- [ ] jux and juxBy
- [ ] Mapping over Patterns
- [ ] brak
- [ ] degrade
- [ ] density
- [ ] fit
- [ ] iter
- [ ] Beat Rotation
- [ ] palindrome
- [ ] rev
- [ ] slow
- [ ] slowspread
- [ ] smash
- [ ] spread
- [ ] trunc
- [ ] zoom
Sample Transformers
- [ ] striate
- [ ] gap
- [ ] chop
- [ ] striateL
- [ ] stut
Conditional Transformers
- [ ] mask
- [ ] foldEvery
- [ ] ifp
- [ ] every
- [ ] sometimesBy
- [ ] when
- [ ] whenmod
- [ ] within
- [ ] slowcat
- [ ] cat
- [ ] interlace
- [ ] randcat
- [ ] seqP
- [ ] append
- [ ] spin
- [ ] stack
- [ ] superimpose
- [ ] weave
- [ ] wedge
- [ ] anticipate
- [ ] clutch
- [ ] histpan
- [ ] jump
- [ ] jumpIn
- [ ] jumpIn'
- [ ] jumpMod
- [ ] mortal
- [ ] superwash
- [ ] wait
- [ ] wash
- [ ] xfade
Synth Parameters
- [ ] gain
- [ ] bandf
- [ ] bandq
- [ ] begin
- [ ] coarse
- [ ] crush
- [ ] cut
- [ ] cutoff
- [ ] delay
- [ ] delayfeedback
- [ ] delaytime
- [ ] end
- [ ] accelerate
- [ ] hcutoff
- [ ] hresonance
- [ ] loop
- [ ] nudge
- [ ] pan
- [ ] resonance
- [ ] room and size
- [ ] shape
- [ ] sound
- [ ] speed
- [ ] unit
- [ ] vowel
Combining Parameters
- [ ] no subsections
- [ ] choose
- [ ] irand
- [ ] pequal
- [ ] rand
- [ ] run
- [ ] scale
- [ ] up
- [ ] Performances
- [ ] Tutorials and Demos
- [ ] Multi Channel
- [ ] Multi Laptop
- [ ] MIDI
- [ ] Playing Live
- [ ] People
- [ ] Publications
- [ ] Entire Page
before people start to send prs for the updated function docs to this repo, we should get all functions in tidal 0.9-dev documented and then either manually or automatically grab the docs from there.
Shall we move the Reference block over to tidalcycles/Tidal and link to it?