tidal-midi copied to clipboard
Couldn't match expected type IO a0??
I'm following the "Usage" section of the readme.
I run:
m1 <- midiStream devices "AudioFuse MIDI 1"
and get this:
tidal> Prelude Sound.Tidal.Context Sound.Tidal.MIDI.Context| Prelude Sound.Tidal.Context Sound.Tidal.MIDI.Context| Prelude Sound.Tidal.Context Sound.Tidal.MIDI.Context| :75:7: error: • Couldn't match expected type ‘IO a0’ with actual type ‘Int -> ControllerShape -> IO (ParamPattern -> IO ())’ • Probable cause: ‘midiStream’ is applied to too few arguments In the first argument of ‘GHC.GHCi.ghciStepIO :: forall a. IO a -> IO a’, namely ‘(midiStream devices "AudioFuse MIDI 1")’ In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: m1 <- GHC.GHCi.ghciStepIO :: forall a. IO a -> IO a (midiStream devices "AudioFuse MIDI 1")
Can't get this working.. Any ideas what's going on?
This is what happens when I display the out devices as per the readme:
0: Midi Through Port-0 2: AudioFuse MIDI 1 4: in0 5: in1 6: in2 7: in3 8: in4 9: in5
Trying to use the AudioFuse. I'm running Linux (Manjaro). Trying other avenues to make sure that it's not just some issue with my MIDI output.