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asymmetric mini-notation explanation: slow down/repeat

Open jwaldmann opened this issue 4 years ago • 7 comments

I'm not sure about the right place for the following remark. It's nothing critical.

While preparing a presentation for a seminar, and looking up sources of documentation, I noticed that https://tidalcycles.org/index.php/Mini_notation_syntax uses asymmetric wording:

  • * repeat a pattern
  • / slow down a pattern

In the source code, it's TPat_Fast and TPat_Slow, translated to fast and slow, and ultimately, _slow r p = _fast (1/r) p, so it's fully symmetric. And I can indeed write foo*2 as foo/1%2.

But then "repeat" should be "speed up"?

I agree that the common (beginners) usage is bd sn*2 and there it looks like repetition. But that's related to the (mis)conception that foo bar means concatenation, while it actually is "play one cycle from each, in turn".

Well, tough times. Education is always about revelaing the truth only gradually...

jwaldmann avatar May 12 '20 14:05 jwaldmann

This text uses symmetric naming ("speeds up"/"slows down") https://tidalcycles.org/index.php/Tutorial#Using_.2A_and_.2F_on_Groups

jwaldmann avatar May 12 '20 19:05 jwaldmann

Yes a tricky one! I still rather like 'density' and 'sparsity', but I have generally been standardising on 'speed up' and 'slow down'..

yaxu avatar Jun 03 '20 19:06 yaxu

Should this be moved to https://github.com/tidalcycles/tidal-doc ?

ndr-brt avatar Nov 12 '21 08:11 ndr-brt

Yes lets move all doc issues there. Shall I leave this one with you?

yaxu avatar Nov 12 '21 13:11 yaxu

Woa, I pasted the wrong link, sorry, I meant on the official one.

ndr-brt avatar Nov 12 '21 14:11 ndr-brt

yes thought so :)

yaxu avatar Nov 12 '21 17:11 yaxu

btw, I think we could move this too :)

ndr-brt avatar Nov 12 '21 20:11 ndr-brt