CenterPoint copied to clipboard
Why such a problem when I run that python tools/nusc_tracking/ --work_dir work_dirs --checkpoint work_dirs/infos_val_10sweeps_withvelo_filter_True.json
====== Loading NuScenes tables for version v1.0-trainval... 23 category, 8 attribute, 4 visibility, 64386 instance, 12 sensor, 10200 calibrated_sensor, 2631083 ego_pose, 68 log, 850 scene, 34149 sample, 2631083 sample_data, 1166187 sample_annotation, 4 map, Done loading in 29.8 seconds.
Reverse indexing ... Done reverse indexing in 11.3 seconds.
Deploy OK
Use hungarian: False
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tools/nusc_tracking/", line 190, in
When I was tracking, I encountered the same problem. How did you solve it?