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run device-uinpach script and report error "/system/bin/sh: ./device-unpack: No such file or directory"
i run the script file, and the script is actually in the file, but here comes an unexpected error "no such file or directory"
the detail of the emulator is:
phone image is Tiramisu(Android 13.0X86_64)
avd.ini.displayname phone
avd.ini.encoding UTF-8
AvdId phone
disk.dataPartition.size 6442450944
fastboot.forceChosenSnapshotBoot no
fastboot.forceColdBoot no
fastboot.forceFastBoot yes
hw.accelerometer yes
hw.arc false
hw.audioInput yes
hw.battery yes
hw.camera.back virtualscene
hw.camera.front emulated
hw.cpu.ncore 4
hw.device.hash2 MD5:a8abfd3536f3d35e4ba2041a7b99f40e
hw.device.manufacturer Google
hw.device.name pixel_6_pro
hw.dPad no
hw.gps yes
hw.gpu.enabled yes
hw.gpu.mode auto
hw.initialOrientation Portrait
hw.keyboard yes
hw.lcd.density 560
hw.lcd.height 3120
hw.lcd.width 1440
hw.mainKeys no
hw.ramSize 2048
hw.sdCard yes
hw.sensors.orientation yes
hw.sensors.proximity yes
hw.trackBall no
image.androidVersion.api 33
image.sysdir.1 system-images\android-33\default\x86_64
PlayStore.enabled false
runtime.network.latency none
runtime.network.speed full
showDeviceFrame yes
skin.dynamic yes
tag.display Default Android System Image
tag.id default
vm.heapSize 384