Tianju Xue
Tianju Xue
Please exactly follow the instruction to install JAX-FEM. `petsc4py` is known to have issue with pip. You can only use conda to install `petsc4py`.
Are you using Windows? If so, please avoid using Windows. There is no support for Windows for JAX-FEM.
For now, the[`demos`](https://github.com/deepmodeling/jax-fem/tree/main/demos) directory serves for the tutorial purpose. Will do better in the future.
@xwpken Please also push the input data files to Github if they are not too large. Thanks!
> @xwpken I really appreciate your reply. It seems that FEniCS is used to generate input file... However, when I installed mshr, it said > > File "", line 198,...
Solving a linear system involves iterative steps, and is not as straightforward to be simply "batched". JAX-FEM uses the [JAX version of scipy ](https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_autosummary/jax.scipy.sparse.linalg.bicgstab.html), not the original scipy, but I...
It is to save GPU memory. You can use JAX-FEM to solve a problem with over 1 million DOFs on a single GPU. We need to save GPU memory so...