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[QUESTION] Depends auto wraps with contextmanager which creates duplicate code
First check
- [x] I used the GitHub search to find a similar issue and didn't find it.
- [x] I searched the FastAPI documentation, with the integrated search.
- [x] I already searched in Google "How to X in FastAPI" and didn't find any information.
I have a database pool with which I have to define two exact method except for the @asynccontextmanager
class Pool:
async def get_con(self):
con = await self.pool.acquire()
yield con
await self.pool.release(con)
async def __call__(self):
con = await self.pool.acquire()
yield con
await self.pool.release(con)
pool = Pool()
One is used in my internal code:
async with pool() as con:
And the other with the Depends
async def get(id: UUID, db: Connection = Depends(pool.get_con)):
In the documentation there is a line which states
But you don't have to use the decorators for FastAPI dependencies (and you shouldn't).
If you try:
async def get(id: UUID, db: Connection = Depends(pool)):
I actually get an AttributeError
. I'm assuming pool
is yieled instead of pool.__call__
AttributeError: '_AsyncGeneratorContextManager' object has no attribute 'fetchrow'
Which makes it pretty clear that I cannot use a contextmanager in a Depends
, but this creates duplicate and non consistent code when getting a db connection.
Is this the way it is? Can Depends
work with both regular yields and contextmanagers directly?
That whole bottom section in the documentation is quite confusing, because while FastAPI does use @contextmanager
for dependencies, it is in a pretty complicated way. From the user's (your) point of view, dependencies have nothing to do with context managers.
In the docs
You don't have to use the decorators for FastAPI dependencies (and you shouldn't).
should really read:
You can't use the decorators for FastAPI dependencies.
and in fact I would argue that whole section is unnecessary and only leads to confusion.
In your specific case, to eliminate the duplicate code you can do:
class Pool:
async def get_con(self):
con = await self.pool.acquire()
yield con
await self.pool.release(con)
__call__ = asynccontextmanager(get_con)
then continue to use Depends(pool.get_con)
A separate issue is that the pattern of
def foo():
with bar() as b:
yield b
async def endpoint(f: foo = Depends()):
means you're opening context managers and wrapping them up in the context manager under the hood of the dependency system.
I would agree with you that the documentation is confusing, but this clears things up with a nice simple solution, thanks!
This helped me out, thanks all. Here's what mine looks like:
async def database_session():
Returns a database Session for use with fastapi Depends()
session = async_scoped_session(_db_session, scopefunc=current_task)
yield session
await session.remove()
async def create_admin_user():
Makes sure the app's admin user exists on startup
DatabaseSession = asynccontextmanager(database_session)
async with DatabaseSession() as session:
async def get_user(user_id: str, session: AsyncSession = Depends(database_session)):
I don't know why this is not allowed... Maybe I'm missing something? But I guess either a PR allowing that or a PR improving the docs should be created 🤔