O-MVS icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
O-MVS copied to clipboard

The PCB designs for the Open MVS


The PCB designs for the Open MVS These were made and released public in the hopes of promoting the simple, correct and safe consolitation of MVS systems and projects. This is V1.3 of the boards designed for the O-MVS project.

These were designed using EASYEDA and I don't have a schematic specific for this design. The KiCAD files were generated using https://wokwi.com/easyeda2kicad and have not be checked or tested for accuracy. They are meant for people to develop or modify so they can create derivative projects.

If you wish to use the project as is, please have boards made using the Gerbers or the files on OSH PARK. These have been tested thoroughly and I hold no responsibility for any damage to your MVS units or your equipment.

Have fun and make some cool shit for the community.