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🦉SOAP package for Go

Results 29 gosoap issues
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No need to create Params map anymore to use complex structs.

pr: in review

This leaves the struct handling alone in recursiveEncode, which is designed to deal with individual xml.Tokens. Instead, we just use xml.Encode for top-level structs, and leave the formatting up to...

pr: in review

I'm trying to make a call via [this WSDL](https://datastore.ceidg.gov.pl/CEIDG.DataStore/services/DataStoreProvider201901.svc?wsdl) and the namespace that the server expects is `http://tempuri.org/`, but the library sends `http://tempuri.org/Imports` instead. The WSDL has a section: ```xml...

needs investigation

I was receiving SOAP Fault Exception with http status code 500 with error message but the error was override by code, if the http status code != 200 or http...

https://github.com/tiaguinho/gosoap/blob/3dabb23ba747470e9f3fe5103d9f5542272612a4/soap.go#L87 Hello, the latest code has not created a version, you added the function of improve xml encoding in the commit on July 5, 2021, (201f9637b0eb3ab95ff4b9d0dc2f96f22495ff4b).But as of now, you...

**Please Help me setup below SOAP request xml which contains AuthHeader also.** admin 7338b6c1702d 1 5582

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1822215/164614249-706a0748-f4fc-4367-bff8-4d635fe4abfa.png) Is it in php like in GO?

What about a bumping new tag (v1.4.5, ex)? It is useful for go.mod of depended projects, using new commits (#76, ex).

Currently, gosoap uses the operation name as the only body part of the message. But the names (tags) of body parts may not be the same as the names of...

pr: in review
pr: change requested