Rspotify copied to clipboard
getArtist: Error in data.frame arguments imply differing number of rows: 0, 1
Hi! I'm unsure of what would be causing this.
running getArtist, for example on
gives me a
Warning: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 0, 1
Stack trace (innermost first):
39: data.frame
38: getArtist
37: server [/Users/Desktop/app.R#159]
1: shiny::runApp
Error in data.frame(id = json1$id, name = json1$name, popularity = json1$popularity, :
arguments imply differing number of rows: 0, 1
my authentication/tokens are working because i can search artists fine. any suggestions on what might be the problem here? i tried reinstalling Rspotify as well.