Tiago Peixoto
Tiago Peixoto
This issue can be closed. See [this comment](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-server/issues/5504#issuecomment-883376139) to understand why.
To load all languages: ```typescript import numbro from "numbro"; import languages from "numbro/dist/languages.min"; Object.getOwnPropertyNames(languages).forEach((lang) => { numbro.registerLanguage(languages[lang], true); }); numbro.setLanguage("fr-FR"); ```
I can't check which dependencies are causing the snyk error. Can you help me?
Ok, I fixed it.
> @tiagocpeixoto seems this repo is dead? Apparently yes.
> > Ok, I fixed it. > > How did you go about fixing this error ? I prepared a [PR](https://github.com/tiagocpeixoto/serverless-step-functions-offline), but the maintainer hasn't merged it yet. In my...
Just extends ValidationError like I did. Example: ``` public class FluentValidationError extends ValidationError { private String errorKey; public String getErrorKey() { return errorKey; } public FluentValidationError setErrorKey(String errorKey) { this.errorKey...
Edit: I found out what to do: capabilityIam(true) useCapabilityIam(Capability.CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND)
Same here. - Spring Data DynamoDB Version: 5.1.0 - Java 11.0.2 - AWS 1.11.415 - Spring-boot 2.1.2.RELEASE - Platform Details: Win 10 Pro **EDIT**: My tests have the following configuration:...
@ryonday Maybe the code should be something like this ... ``` public class DynamoDBMapperFactory implements FactoryBean { @Autowired private AmazonDynamoDB amazonDynamoDB; @Autowired private DynamoDBMapperConfig dynamoDBMapperConfig; public DynamoDBMapperFactory() {} @Override public...