gem2deb copied to clipboard
Takes a URL to a .gem or tar'ed gem and does the brute force work of converting it to a .deb package
gem2deb <gem name> [<target package name>]
gem2deb will covert a ruby gem into a set of debian packages and a debian changes file suitable for use with dupload. In the synopsis above the gem name is simply the name of a gem available via the gem command. gem2deb fetches the gem, unpacks it to a tmp directory and builds a set of debs out of it.
gem2deb will detect any dependencies declared in the gem and translate them into debian dependencies of the form lib{gem}-ruby. It is important to note that underscores are not allowed in debian package names, therefore gem2deb translates underscores into dashes when it creates gem packages and dependencies.
Requires the following debian packages: cdbs ruby-pkg-tools devscripts
- DEPENDENCIES - Any extra runtime dependencies you would like to declare for a package.
- RULES - Adds arbitrary rules to the debian rules file. Use this to hook into the debian build system and execute arbitrary actions during the package build.
Package the thin gem:
gem2deb thin
Package do_sqlite3 and set its dependency on sqlite3:
env DEPENDENCIES="sqlite3" gem2deb do_sqlite3 libdo-sqlite3-ruby
Add files outside of the normal gem path for a build:
env RULES="install/libmygem-ruby1.8\n\tmkdir -p /var/log/mylogdir" gem2deb mygem.gem