TecoGAN copied to clipboard
I have some trouble in Traininig
When I try to run this code's trainnning part in google colab, after i change the direcotry to 'TrainingDataPath' ,the error is Exception: No frame files in the video input directory
the structure of my folders show in the picture
it wrong with the validation data, can you help me?
me too,how to do???
me too,how to do???
update parameter of the runGan.py line 181&182
@yuqiangabab may I see your runGan.py at line 181 and 182
it wrong with the validation data, can you help me?
same problem with me so sad
@yuqiangabab may I see your runGan.py at line 181 and 182
Sorry, I deleted it
When I try to run this code's trainnning part in google colab, after i change the direcotry to 'TrainingDataPath' ,the error is Exception: No frame files in the video input directory
the structure of my folders show in the picture
i found the answer by myself , if we have scene_2000 scene_2001 scene_2002
just for example their operation and dir need to read in command
#str_dir is the starting index for training data
#end_dir is the ending index for training data
# end_dir+1 is the starting index for validation data
# end_dir_val is the ending index for validation data
in runGan.py fix like be low for example cmd1 += [ "--input_video_dir", './TrainingDataPath/', "--input_video_pre", "scene", "--str_dir", "2000", "--end_dir", "2001", "--end_dir_val", "2002",
me too,how to do???