Plugin.LocalNotification copied to clipboard
Implementation of full screen intent
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
- I got a MAUI application where it is all about a reminders for taking medicines. Now I believe this kind of stuffs is time sensitive and notification on a status bar is not enough. First idea comes to my mind is that, start an activity when a notification from your library is received. I then browsed Android documentation and found this: I then asked ChatGPT to further elaborate this and a piece of code caught my attention:
Describe the solution you'd like
- Implement .SetFullScreenIntent() when building a notification
Describe alternatives you've considered
- Tried starting an activity from the background, nothing happens. I tried using broadcast receiver to achieve it.
- Another example is the use of foreground service, unfortunately it doesn't work.
Additional context
- I found this StackOverflow thread and it's quite promising:
@thudugala, I managed to make this work by using native notifications. However, I would like to rely fully on your library as there's some functionality I needed. How can I send an example to further assist you?
@echolumaque you can do a PR with your change?
@echolumaque you can do a PR with your change?
I'm not that well versed with the your library's code and it would definitely took me a long time to understand it. Perhaps a blank project would work?
Sure just attach a sample project here 🙂
@thudugala, you can clone this project and let me know if you have any questions:
Relevant files:
On MainActivity, you can see these code:
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle? savedInstanceState)
I believe it is necessary to wake the device and actually show the activity. More context here: Also, I believe ShowForAllUsers must be set to true in the Activity attribute.
These permissions are also required:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM" />
Attached video is how it works:
To replicate:
- Add a notification
- Minimize the app in the background
- Turn off the screen
@echolumaque try version 11.0.1-preview01
Make sure to set LaunchApp
var request = new NotificationRequest
NotificationId = notificationId,
Title = title,
Android =
LaunchApp = new AndroidLaunch(),
@thudugala, I've tried your instructions and unfortunately, it only just sent the notification on the status bar 😢. Tested both in simulator (Pixel 3a XL - Android 12), and physical device (Samsung Galaxy A71 - Android 12).
Here's my notification create code:
public async Task ScheduleNotification(string description, DateTime notifiyTime)
var randomIndex = Random.Shared.Next(14);
var notificationIcon = new AndroidIcon { ResourceName = "notif_icon" };
var notificationRequest = new NotificationRequest
Android = new AndroidOptions
ChannelId = "com.group10.healthmate",
IconLargeName = notificationIcon,
IconSmallName = notificationIcon,
IsGroupSummary = true,
LaunchApp = new AndroidLaunch(),
Priority = AndroidPriority.Max,
VibrationPattern = [200, 300, 200, 300, 200, 300],
VisibilityType = AndroidVisibilityType.Public
CategoryType = NotificationCategoryType.Alarm,
Description = description,
Group = "com.group10.healthmate",
//Image = new NotificationImage
// FilePath
NotificationId = Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode(),
Schedule = new NotificationRequestSchedule
Android = new AndroidScheduleOptions
AlarmType = AndroidAlarmType.RtcWakeup,
NotifyTime = notifiyTime,
RepeatType = NotificationRepeat.No
Subtitle = notificationSubtitles[randomIndex],
Title = notificationTitles[randomIndex]
await _notificationService.Show(notificationRequest);
Please let me know if there's help that I can do. Thanks again.
@echolumaque hey can attach the full project sample?
@thudugala , hello sorry for the late reply. The project is still the same ( I just pushed the changes so you can try it out. Please take a pull and let me know if how can I be of help.
Thanks again!
@echolumaque Check my last commit: